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Key to Phlox
1 Stems woody or suffrutescent, trailing or decumbent; leaves to 25 mm long (-60 mm long in P. bifida), to 3 (-5) mm wide, generally with short-shoots or fascicles of leaves in the axils of leaves of the sterile shoots. | |
3 Larger leaves < 2.5 cm long; nodes >6, crowded; petals shallowly notched, the notch 0.5-3 mm deep | |
4 Leaves to 60 mm long and 5 mm wide; petal lobes about as wide as long; [ne. TX north through c. OK to sc. KS] | |
5 Pubescence conspicuously gland-tipped; corolla lobes merely slightly emarginate at the apex; [AL east and north to s. VA]. | |
6 Fertile shoots (10-) 15-30 cm tall; upper leaves oblong-lanceolate, up to 12-25 mm long, 1.5-3 mm wide on sterile shoots, 2.5-5 mm wide on fertile shoots; pubescence of the inflorescence mostly with conspicuously glandular tips | |
6 Fertile shoots (3-) 8-12 (-15) cm tall; upper leaves linear-lanceolate, up to 8-12 mm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide on sterile shoots, 1.5-3 mm wide on fertile shoots; pubescence of the inflorescence mostly with finely glandular tips | |
1 Stems herbaceous, erect or decumbent; leaves (at least the larger) > 25 mm long and/or > 5 mm wide, generally lacking axillary fascicles of leaves. | |
7 Style long, (12-) 14-26 mm long, the united portion 3-30× as long as the cleft portion; stamens equaling or exceeding the corolla tube (thus in part exserted). | |
9 Plants with rhizomes and stolons tipped with clustered, evergreen, linear to lanceolate leaves 3-12 cm long, 5-10 (-12) mm wide | |
10 Leaf margin ciliate-serrulate; lateral veins of the leaves readily apparent, these joining to form a connecting vein parallel to the leaf margin. | |
11 Bracts of the inflorescence pubescent with glandular hairs; corolla tube glabrous; leaves opposite; nodes usually 8-15; leaves usually 2-3× as long as wide | |
11 Bracts of the inflorescence pubescent with non-glandular hairs; corolla tube pubescent (rarely glabrous); leaves subopposite (at least near the inflorescence); nodes usually 15-40; leaves usually 3-4× as long as wide | |
10 Leaf margin smooth or slightly rough; lateral veins of the leaves not readily apparent, not forming a connecting vein parallel to the leaf margin. | |
12 Flowering shoots arising from rhizomes; nodes below the inflorescence 7 or more. | |
14 Cymes several, the lower on rather short and uniform peduncles, thus the inflorescence as a whole subcylindric in outline. | |
14 Cymes solitary or several, if several then the lower on long peduncles, thus the inflorescence as a whole broadly rounded or even flat-topped. | |
7 Style short, 1-4 mm long, the united portion 1-1.5 (-2)× as long as the cleft portion; stamens shorter than the corolla tube (thus included). | |
17 Upper leaves alternate; annual; corollas red, white, bright purple, purplish-pink, or variegated. | |
18 Corolla tube constricted at orifice; corollas bright purple (rarely pink or nearly white), with a conspicuous yellow eye; [TX] | |
18 Corolla tube not constricted at the orifice; corollas red, white, purplish-pink, or variegated; [collectively widespread]. | |
19 Largest leaves < 10× as long as wide; corolla tubes (10-) 14-20 mm long, usually pubescent (very rarely glabrous); corollas red, white, pink, lavender, or variegated; [collectively widespread]. | |
22 Corollas pink or lavender; mid-stem leaves mostly gradually tapered at base; [c., nc., and sc. TX]. | |
27 Leaves and bracts oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, acute to obtuse (rarely acuminate), the larger 20-40 (-50) mm long, 4-8 (-12) mm wide, ca. 5× as long as wide; bracts below the inflorescence hiding the calyces | |
27 Leaves and bracts linear to lanceolate, acuminate, the larger 35-45 mm long, 3-5 mm wide, ca. 10× as long as wide; bracts below the inflorescence not hiding the calyces | |
32 Upper stem leaves ovate-lanceolate, subcordate and broadest at the base; stems pubescent throughout with glandular hairs |