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1 Principal cauline leaves palmately lobed, maple-like, differing from the pinnately divided basal leaves. | |
2 Sepals with appendages absent or rudimentary; plant perennial from fibrous roots; stamens exserted 3-6 mm beyond the corolla; leaf lobing relatively deep and regular | |
3 Inflorescence and upper stem densely hirsute with spreading hairs 1-2 mm long; larger leaves pinnatifid with (7-) 9-13 segments, these toothed but not lobed. | |
4 Tubers 0.5-3 cm long, ellipsoid or cylindric, typically producing whiplike tips, these often widely spreading and repeatedly proliferating; hairs of leaf upper surface 0.5-0.8 (-1.0) mm long (none > 1.0 mm long); corolla 10-12 mm long, lavender to almost white; [west of Mississippi River, in Interior Highlands of AR] | |
4 Tubers to 10 cm long, fusiform, with slender tips to 10 cm long, not generally proliferating; hairs of upper leaf surface to 1.5 mm long (at least some > 1.0 cm long); corolla 7-10 (-12) mm long, white, greenish-white, or yellowish-white; [east of Mississippi River] | |
3 Inflorescence and upper stem glabrate to strigose with appressed to ascending hairs < 0.5 mm long; larger leaves with 5-7 (-9) pinnate (or upwards, pinnatifid) segments, some of them sometimes deeply 2-lobed. | |