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Key to Stuckenia

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1 Leaf apex acute, mucronate or apiculate; proximal stipular sheaths not inflated; stems abundantly branched, especially on distal portions; fruits distinctly beaked; [relatively widespread in our region]
1 Leaf apex notched, obtuse, or round, rarely apiculate; proximal stipular sheaths often inflated; stems sparsely branched on distal portions; fruits without beak; [PA and OH northwards].
  2 Stipules without ligules or these < 2 mm on stipules of the upper stem; summit of midstem stipules inflated at least 2× the width of stem; fruit 3-3.8 mm long.
  2 Stipules with distinct ligules to 20 mm long, especially on stipules of the upper stem; summit of midstem stipules tight to stem, about the same width as stem; fruit 2-3 mm long.
    3 Plants 10-30 cm long; stipules on lower portion of stem tightly clasping or slightly enlarged, persistent; fruits common.
    3 Plants 20--100 cm long; stipules on lower portion of stem inflated, disintegrating with age; fruits often absent.