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Key to Asclepias, Key A: milkweeds with clear sap and alternate leaves

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1 Leaves ca. 2× as long as wide; leaf base truncate to subcordate; leaf apex broadly rounded and also often notched; [of c. FL scrub]
1 Leaves > 3× as long as wide; leaf base cordate, subcordate, truncate, rounded, or cuneate; leaf apex acuminate, acute or obtuse; [collectively widespread].
  2 Leaves > 9× as long as wide, widest near the base; leaf base broadly cuneate to truncate; apex acuminate; [e. TX and e. OK westwards and southwestwards]
  2 Leaves 3-8× as long as wide, widest near the base, near the middle, or towards the apex (or the margins parallel for >3/4 of the leaf length); leaf base cordate, subcordate, truncate, rounded, or cuneate; leaf apex acuminate, acute, or obtuse; [collectively widespread].
    3 Leaves widest near the base; leaf base cordate, subcordate, or truncate, with well-developed basal lobes broader than a 'waist' above; [PA, WV, KY, TN, and AL westwards]
    3 Leaves widest above the midpoint, near the midpoint, or with margins nearly parallel for > 3/4 of the leaf length; leaf base subcordate, truncate, rounded, or cuneate; [IN, s. IL, AR, and e. TX eastwards].
      4 Leaf base cuneate, rounded, or truncate; leaves widest above the middle or near the midpoint; [s. NH west to OH, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX widespread eastwards]
      4 Leaf base truncate or subcordate; leaves either widest above the midpoint, above a waist created by hastate basal lobes, or with margins nearly parallel for > 3/4 of the leaf length; [of se. Coastal Plain, se. VA south to s. FL, west to s. MS]