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Key to Stylisma
5 Bracteoles (2-) 10-20 mm long; stylar branches usually fused more than 5/6 of the total length (occasionally fused less than ½ of length), the free portion of the stylar branches usually less than 3 mm long; sepals villous, 4-6 (-7) mm long, ovate-elliptic with obtuse to acute apices; leaves 1-3 mm wide. | |
7 Sepals glabrous (-glabrate), though the margins ciliate; leaves 2-3 (-5) mm wide, mostly 7-15× as long as wide; inflorescence of 1 (-3) flowers; corolla 18-22 mm long | |
7 Sepals moderately to densely villous; leaves 3-10 mm wide, mostly 4-6× as long as wide; inflorescence of 1-5 flowers; corolla 14-20 mm long |