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Key to Physalis
2 Berry 20-40 mm in diameter, green or yellow-green when ripe (tomatillo); anthers strongly coiled after dehiscence, blue; corolla throat with bluish tinge; [cultivated and weakly naturalized near gardens] | |
2 Berry to 20 mm in diameter, orange, yellow, or green when ripe; anthers not coiled after dehiscence, yellow, blue, or purple; corolla throat purple, brown, green, or ochre; [collectively widespread]. | |
3 Plants pubescent with 2-3 branched or dendroid-stelliform hairs (in some species with simple hairs as well), these in some taxa abundantly covering the leaves, or if leaves glabrous, the stellate hairs visible on the tips and margins of the sepals; plants perennial, from deeply buried rhizomes; [section Stellatae] | |
6 Leaves sessile, blades linear-lanceolate, 0.2-0.8 (11) cm wide; (s. FL and FL peninsula westward to LA) | |
6 Leaves sessile or short-petiolate, blade narrowly spathulate to linear-lanceolate, 0.3-1.5 (-2) cm wide | |
12 Leaves glabrous or essentially so. | |
15 Leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate to ovate, generally broader than above, about 2.5× as long as wide, or broader. | |
16 Principal leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, usually single-stemmed, erect; [widespread in e. US] | |
13 Annuals from taproots; corolla with or without 5 dark maculations in the throat. | |
17 Upper part of the stem with long, spreading hairs; corolla with 5 dark maculations in the throat; [section Epeteiorhiza]. | |
20 Corollas white to cream, widely flaring and very flat, with greenish-tinged, densely hairy region in 5 spots towards the base of the inner surface; anthers 2.5-3.0 mm long; fruiting pedicels 2.5-6.0 cm long | |
20 Corollas yellow, bell-, or saucer-shaped, sometimes suffused with purple within, but lacking densely hairy spots; anthers 1.5-2.5 mm long; fruiting pedicels 1.5-4.0 cm long | |
22 Corolla yellow with dark spots. | |
23 Stems, young growth, and major veins of the leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with sessile glands; leaves gray-green, prominently and coarsely dentate to the base, with well-defined reticulate venation, especially visible on the lower surface, frequently drying orange or with orange spots; anthers yellow, perhaps with a bluish tinge; body of mature calyx about as long as broad, abruptly acuminate at apex; berry tawny orange when mature | |
23 Stems, young growth, and major veins of leaves with fine, non-villous pubescence; leaves green, obscurely dentate, often in the upper half only, or entire, without well-defined reticulate venation, drying green or brownish; anthers blue or violet; body of mature calyx longer than broad, long-acuminate at the apex; berry green when mature | |
26 Pubescence viscid, generally composed of glandular trichomes mixed with fine, short hairs and long, multicellular ones; leaf blades broadly ovate to suborbicular, the base rounded, truncate, or cordate (occasionally widely cuneate). | |
27 Longer hairs up to 3 (4) mm. long, mature fruiting calyx 2-4 cm long, seeds 1-2 mm long; upper leaf surfaces glandular-pubescent to densely viscid-pubescent; leaves ovate to broadly ovate to suborbicular, the base rounded, truncate, or cordate (occasionally widely cuneate); [widespread in our region] | |
26 Pubescence seldom if at all glandular-viscid, composed of simple trichomes of varying lengths, from dense, spreading, and long-villous to sparse, strigose and appressed; leaf blades narrowly ovate to broadly lanceolate, the base cuneate (rarely truncate). | |
29 Leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate to ovate, generally broader than above, about 2.5× as long as wide, or broader. | |
30 Principal leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, usually single-stemmed, erect; [widespread in e. US] | |
28 Plants moderately to densely pubescent with divergent hairs 1-1.5 mm long, and antrorse or retrorse hairs to 0.5 mm long; pedicels and flowering calyces densely pubescent with divergent and appressed hairs mixed (or only with appressed retrorse hairs); hairs on the calyx scattered more or less evenly over the surface, not confined to 10 longitudinal strips | |
32 Leaf blades oblanceolate; flowering calyces and pedicels not hispid; [plants of e. Coastal Plain (sandhills of NC, SC, GA)] | |