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Key to Bacopa

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1 Fresh plants strongly aromatic when bruised; corolla blue, 9-13 mm long; stem and leaves pubescent
1 Fresh plants not aromatic when bruised; corolla predominantly white (in some species slightly pink or marked with yellow), 2-10 mm long; stem and leaves pubescent or glabrous.
  2 Leaves glabrous; leaf margins entire, finely and obscurely serrulate, or obviously crenate.
    3 Leaf blades typically with 5+ equally prominent nerves from the blade base; leaf margins obviously crenate; stems pubescent; pedicels 10-12 mm long
    3 Leaf blades with only the midvein readily apparent (any other veins distinctly fainter); leaf margins entire or finely and obscurely serrulate; stems glabrous; pedicels 5-30 mm long
  2 Leaves pubescent (sometimes the pubescence fine or inconspicuous in B. innominata), leaf margins entire.
      4 Corolla 4-10 mm long, white with a yellow throat; capsule ca. 5 mm long
      4 Corolla 2-5 mm long, white or pink, without a yellow throat; capsule 2-3 mm long.
        5 Leaves strongly clasping, mostly ovate; stamens 2 (or very rarely 4); [native]
        5 Leaves only slightly clasping, mostly obovate; stamens 4; [a very rare introduction]