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Key to Callitriche

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1 Leaves not connate; stems lacking scales; leaves 1-veined
1 Leaves connate at their bases (the opposing leaf bases connected by a flange of leaf tissue across the node); stems bearing scales; leaves 1-5-veined.
  2 Flowers and young fruits with 2 inflated bracteoles at the base; leaves dimorphic (with floating rosettes of spatulate leaves and submersed linear leaves) or monomorphic.
    3 Fruit margin distinctly winged, the wing nearly 0.1 mm wide, extending the entire distance from the summit to the base of the fruit; fruit globose
    3 Fruit margin either not winged or with a wing < 0.05 mm wide, narrowing toward the base of the fruit before ending above the base; fruit ellipsoidal, obovoid, or nearly heart-shaped.
      4 Fruit as wide as long, obovoid or nearly heart-shaped
      4 Fruit longer than wide by > 0.2 mm, ellipsoidal
  2 Flowers and young fruits lacking bracts at their base; leaves monomorphic, obovate-spatulate, rounded at the tip.
        5 Mericarps bent at an angle and thickened on one side at the base; [of SC southward]
        5 Mericarps not bent at an angle nor thickened at the base; [collectively widespread].
          6 Fruit on pedicels 0.5-7 mm long; margin of fruit curled over on itself, appearing thickened; fruit developing underground
          6 Fruit on pedicels 0.1-0.6 mm long; margin of fruit narrow, thin; fruit developing aboveground