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Key to Conradina
1 Plants decumbent, rooting at the nodes, < 4 dm tall; calyx tube densely short-pubescent and also pilose with longer glandular hairs; [Cumberland Plateau of KY and TN] | |
1 Plants upright, 3-15 dm tall; calyx tube glabrous, minutely and inconspicuously puberulent, or more densely puberulent, pubescent, or villous; [Coastal Plain of FL, s. AL, and s. MS] | |
2 Leaves oblanceolate, slightly revolute, the leaf undersurface mostly visible and showing 1-4 raised lateral veins; [Putnam County, FL]. | |
2 Leaves either linear and strongly revolute such that essentially only the midvein is visible on the undersurface or linear to narrowly oblanceolate, slightly to strongly revolute, some leaf surface sometimes showing on the leaf undersurface, but lacking raised lateral veins; [collectively more widespread]. | |
5 Outer calyx tube glabrous to minutely puberulent; leaf blades mostly 5-16 mm long, the adaxial (upper) surface glabrous; flowers smaller, the lower lip of the corolla 7-10 mm long {add to key; revise morphometrics}, the lateral lobes longer than wide; plants smaller shrubs to about 0.8 m tall (occasional individuals to 2 m tall); [FL Panhandle] | |
5 Outer calyx tube pubescent to villous; leaf blades ca. 10-25 mm long, the adaxial (upper) surface puberulent; flowers large, the lower lip of the corolla 12-18 mm long, the lateral lobes wider than long; plants erect shrubs to 1.5 m tall (at maturity); [FL peninsula, mainly along the east coast] | |