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Key to Dicerandra
1 Plants herbaceous, annual, or a short-lived perennial; stem unbranched or with few, spreading or ascending branches in the upper portion of the plant; [s. SC, GA, AL, Panhandle FL south to n. peninsular FL (Citrus and Sumter counties); [subgenus Dicerandra]. | |
2 Corolla tubular, straight or slightly curved; superior lobe cucullate (hoodlike); stamens and style arching under the hooded upper lobe of the corolla, included or slightly exserted beyond its apex; filaments inserted at 2 levels within the corolla; odor of fresh plant cinnamon-like, spicy; [s. SC to s. GA]. | |
3 Corolla tube ca. 18 mm long, the orifice ca. 2 mm wide; leaves (15-) avg. 25 (-45) mm long, linear, the margins entire; [s. SC south through much of the Coastal Plain of GA] | |
3 Corolla tube > 20 mm long, the orifice ca. 4 mm wide; leaves (19-) avg. 40 (-55) mm long, narrowly oblong, the margins often dentate; [endemic to McIntosh County, GA] | |
2 Corolla funnel-shaped, the tube geniculate; superior corolla lobe a lobed, flaring standard; stamens and style exserted, the stamens either widely flaring to the sides or declined along the lower lobe of the corolla; filaments inserted at the same level within the corolla; odor of fresh plant minty; [GA and AL south to FL Panhandle and n. peninsular FL] | |
5 Leaves narrowly rhombic, 2-10 mm wide, not revolute, the margins pubescent but not denticulate; leaf surfaces smooth; cymes 3-7-flowered; corolla purplish red to vivid purple; anthers reddish brown; [extreme s. GA south into e. Panhandle FL and ne. FL] | |
6 Leaves 1-3 (-5) mm wide, usually revolute; inflorescences simple or compound; cymes (1-) 3-5 (-7) flowered, the center buds of each dichasium developing; corolla tubes 6-7 mm long, visible above the calyx; corolla limb funnel-shaped, with the upright lobe appearing taller than wide; [s. AL Coastal Plain and adjacent FL Panhandle] | |
6 Leaves 0.5-1 mm wide, tightly revolute; inflorescences simple; cymes usually 2-flowered, the center buds of each dichasium not developing; corolla tubes 4-5 mm long, usually hidden by the calyx; corolla limb bowl-shaped with the upright lobe appearing wider than tall; [GA Coastal Plain, inland near the Fall Line] | |
8 Plant erect, the stems not decumbent or rooting at the nodes; leaves (10-) avg. 18 (-20) mm long, 2-4 mm wide, ca. 6× as long as wide; [St. Lucie & Indian River counties, FL] | |
7 Corolla marked with a colored pattern of dark spots on a paler background; corolla tube sharply and abruptly bent; [Brevard, Highlands, Marion, Polk, & Sumter counties, FL]. | |
11 Anthers bright yellow (or tinged with red); anther connective lacking glands or the glands inconspicuous; plant aroma Eucalyptus-like; [Highlands County, FL] | |