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Key to Pycnanthemum
2 Longer calyx lobes 0.5-1.6 mm long, deltoid to narrowly triangular, not notably stiff (except in P. tenuifolium) or whitened; [widespread in our area, but mainly of the Piedmont and Mountains]. | |
5 Leaves 1-2.5× as long as wide, coriaceous; stems and leaves glabrous; [Coastal Plain, se. SC southward and westward to FL and AL] | |
5 Leaves 3-6× as long as wide, herbaceous; stems and leaves pubescent; [inland provinces and Coastal Plain, NC northward] | |
6 Calyx zygomorphic, the lower 2 teeth about 1.5× as long as the upper 3; [mainly Coastal Plain, disjunct in mountains; SC and NC northwards] | |
6 Calyx actinomorphic, the teeth similar in shape and size, all 0.5-1.0 mm in length; [primarily inland] | |
8 Leaves 5-15 mm wide, 1-2.5× as long as wide; calyx lobes and inner bracts of the inflorescence herbaceous | |
8 Leaves 1-4 (-5.5) mm wide, 8-15× as long as wide; calyx lobes and inner bracts of the inflorescence semi-spinose, their tips subulate, thickened, and stiff | |
9 Stems pubescent on the faces and angles, the hairs distributed more-or-less evenly; leaves 8-12 (-15) mm wide. | |
10 Longer calyx teeth 1.0-1.5 mm long, lanceolate and attenuate; bracts of the inflorescence and leaves glabrous or very sparsely pubescent on the upper surface | |
10 Longer calyx teeth 0.5-1.0 mm long, narrowly deltoid; bracts of the inflorescence (and usually also the leaves) canescent on the upper surface | |
11 Bracts of the inflorescence puberulent on the upper surface, the margins not ciliate; calyx lobes and tube variously glabrous or puberulent (independent of the apical tufts). | |
13 Calyx lobes 0.5-1.2 (-1.5) mm long, triangular to narrowly triangular, acute to acuminate, but not subulate; [collectively widespread]. | |
15 Petioles (2-) 3-15 mm long; inflorescence corymbose, loose, the branches apparent; [dry, sandy or rocky habitats]. | |
16 Leaves 6-10 cm long; terminal capitula 2.5-5 cm wide in fruit; [dry rocky woodlands; sw. NC, w. SC, and southward] | |
16 Leaves 4-6.5 cm long; terminal capitula 1.5-2.5 cm wide in fruit; [longleaf pine sandhills, se. GA and FL] | |
15 Petioles 0-2 (-3) mm long; inflorescence capitate, tight, the branches within the clusters not apparent; [moist habitats, widespread]. | |
20 Leaves ovate, 13-50 mm wide, < 3× as long as wide. | |
22 Calyx lobes broadly triangular, their apices obtuse, acute, or somewhat acuminate; calyx tube > 2× as long as the longest (lower) calyx lobes. | |
23 Pubescence of the stem of dense, very small downwardly-curved hairs, usually mixed with scattered longer and spreading hairs | |
23 Pubescence of the stem of sparse, coarse, downwardly-curved hairs | |
22 Calyx lobes narrowly triangular, their apices acuminate to attenuate; calyx tube 1-2× as long as the longest (lower) calyx lobes. | |
24 Mericarps 0.5-1.3 mm long, with a smooth surface, glabrous or with a few short hairs at the tip | |
25 Stems and lower leaf surfaces canescent, the short hairs often intermixed with longer, spreading ones | |