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1 Fruit a fleshy drupe; plant a small tree, shrub, or sprawling vine; mature stems terete or obscurely 4-sided (by secondary growth). |
2 Flowers zygomorphic; palmately (3-) 5-7 (-9) foliolate or simple ( V. rotundifolia); [subfamily Viticoideae] |
2 Flowers essentially actinomorphic; leaves simple. |
3 Stems pubescent with dendritic hairs; inflorescence axillary; calyx 0.5-2 mm, lobes diminutive to nearly obsolete |
3 Stems glabrous or pubescent with simple (unbranched) hairs; inflorescence terminal (rarely only axillary); calyx lobes conspicuous or diminuitive. |
4 Corolla 5-40 mm long; calyx 5-18 mm, the lobes conspicuous, the calyx length often surpassing the fruit when mature; [subfamily Ajugoideae] |
4 Corolla 2-5 mm long; the calyx lobes inconspicuous and not surpassing the mature fruit; [subfamily Premnoideae] |
1 Fruit a schizocarp of 4 dry mericarps; plant either an herb or a shrub to 5 (-20) dm tall; mature stems usually distinctly 4-sided (sometimes terete or obscurely 4-sided). |
5 Calyx with either a distinctly enlarged protuberance on the upper surface, or the upper lobe expanded and “cap-like”. |
6 Calyx with 5 lobes, clearly separate apically, with the upper lobe expanded and “cap-like” |
6 Calyx with 2 entire lobes joined at the margins, rounded apically, with a distinct protuberance on the upper surface |
5 Calyx without an enlarged protuberance or “cap-like” upper lobe. |
7 Upper lip of corolla greatly reduced or lobes laterally disposed, thus the corolla appearing to consist of one large lower lip; [subfamily Ajugoideae]. |
8 Lower lip with 2-4 lobes; flowers yellow or deep blue-purple; plants stoloniferous |
8 Lower lip appearing 5- lobed ( proximal 2 lateral, erect lobes represent the cryptic upper lip); flowers white to pink; plants cespitose |
7 Upper lip of corolla conspicuous, flaring or galeate. |
9 Plants distinctly repent and rooting at the nodes, or producing elongate stolons. |
11 Herbs; leaves cordate- reniform, coarsely crenate, the blade > 1 cm long; inflorescence of axillary cymules; corollas 10-20 mm |
11 Subshrubs; leaves ovate to elliptic, entire, the blade < 1 cm long; inflorescence a terminal thyrse; corollas 4-5 mm |
12 Inflorescence in dense axillary verticils; calyx and corolla actinomorphic, calyx 4-5- lobed, flowers 3-4 mm long |
12 Inflorescence terminal; calyx and corolla zygomorphic, calyx 5- lobed, flowers 20-30 mm long |
9 Plants not distinctly repent or stoloniferous. |
13 Calyx with 6-10 lobes or teeth. |
14 Calyx zygomorphic, canescent with simple trichomes, spinose lobe tips straight |
13 Calyx with 5 or fewer lobes or teeth. |
15 Calyx with 3-4 prominent lobes (rarely 5, if one includes small teeth). |
17 Calyx with 4 unequal primary lobes; flowers large, 2.5-3.5 cm long, in bracteate terminal racemes |
17 Calyx with 3 primary lobes (upper lobe occasionally with 3 apiculate teeth, e.g. Salvia lyrata); flowers 3 cm or less, in terminal thyrses. |
18 Stamens 4; calyx enveloped and partially concealed by subtending bracts |
18 Stamens 2; calyx not enveloped by subtending bracts. |
19 Herbs; calyx with simple trichomes; leaves non- revolute, margins various, membranaceous |
15 Calyx usually with 5 prominent lobes (except for Clinopodium with rarely fused upper lobes). |
22 Corolla actinomorphic, lobes spreading and nearly equal (one lobe slightly emarginate and/or enlarged). |
23 Inflorescences axillary; foliage not or faintly aromatic |
23 Inflorescences terminal; foliage strongly aromatic |
24 Inflorescence in loose terminal and axillary cymules; corollas not galeate or arching |
24 Inflorescence densely capitate (often also axillary); corollas strongly galeate, arching |
21 Calyx and corollas clearly zygomorphic. |
25 Corolla 7-20 mm; inflorescence a densely clustered terminal or axillary cyme, or a well developed panicle. |
26 Inflorescence a dense cluster of one or more terminal cymules (occasionally just axillary); lower lip of corolla not fringed |
25 Corolla ca. 3-10 mm long; inflorescence a loose axillary cyme or slender terminal spike or spike-like panicle. |
27 Corolla 3.5-4 mm, borne 2 per node in a slender terminal spike; middle lobe of upper calyx reduced |
27 Corolla 4-10 mm, borne in axillary cymes or spike-like panicle; upper calyx lobes similar. |
28 Flowers in loose axillary cymes; calyx gibbous, throat closed by hairs; corollas ca. 4-5 mm long |
28 Flowers in a spike-like panicle; calyx not gibbous or closed by hairs; corollas ca. 10 mm long |
29 Stamens ascending under the upper corolla lip, either included within the tube (or at least not clearly exserted beyond it). |
31 Flowers borne in terminal verticils or thyrses, with reduced bracteal leaves. |
32 Calyx 15-nerved; verticils tightly aggregated |
32 Calyx 5-10-nerved; verticils well spaced |
31 Flowers borne in axils of well-developed leaves, or a terminal raceme with 1 flower per node. |
33 Calyx lobes with thickened spinescent apices. |
34 Stems often with swollen nodes (areas just below appear dark and sunken upon drying, except G. ladanum); hairs of the stem either exclusively hispid or short recurved and mixed with longer glandular trichomes; corolla 15-28 mm long |
34 Stems without swollen nodes; hairs of the stem finely and softly retrorse, generally lacking glandular hairs (though sessile glands may be present); corolla 5-14 mm long. |
35 Corolla 5-7 mm long, not much longer than the calyx, weakly bilabiate and lacking an annulus |
35 Corolla 8-14 mm long and well-exceeding the calyx, strongly galeate and annulate |
33 Calyx lobes without spinescent apices (although lobes may be pointed or acute). |
36 Flowers in terminal racemes, corolla tube broadly inflated |
36 Flowers borne in axils of well developed leaves, corolla tube not broadly inflated. |
37 Verticils 2-6-flowered, loose; corollas 5-7 mm |
37 Verticils 6-12-flowered, compact; corollas 10-30 mm. |
38 Corolla 10-15 mm long; calyx with 10+ nerves |
38 Corolla 10-30 mm long; calyx 5-nerved |
39 Shrubs, diffusely branched; [restricted to se. Coastal Plain and Cumberland Plateau] |
39 Herbs, branched or unbranched; [collectively widespread]. |
40 Calyx teeth distinctly white or pink, noticeably different from the tube |
40 Calyx teeth coloration not noticeably different from the tube. |
41 Flowers 1 per bracteal axil. |
42 Corolla nearly regular, 4-6 mm long. |
42 Corolla bilabiate, >10 mm long |
41 Flowers 2-many per bract or leaf axil. |
43 Plants lemon-scented, flowers in the axils of well-developed leaves |
43 Plants mint-scented or non-aromatic, flowers terminal and/or axillary. |
44 Upper median calyx lobe longer and wider than the other 4; flowers terminal |
44 Upper lobes differing in sinus depth and/or size from the lower lobes; flowers borne variously. |
45 Bracts broadly rounded, apiculate or absent. |
46 Bracts broadly rounded, apiculate; inflorescence terminal |
45 Bracts setaceous or elliptic, but not broadly rounded or apiculate, present. |
47 Calyx clearly bilabiate; corollas 7-15 mm long |
47 Calyx scarcely bilabiate; corollas 5-7 mm long |
29 Stamens (at least some) well exserted beyond the upper corolla lobe. |
48 Lower lip of corolla distinctly fringed |
48 Lower lip of corolla not fringed. |
50 Flowers in dense terminal capitate clusters, subtended by large bracteal leaves (these often whitened on the upper surface and especially towards the base) |
50 Flowers borne otherwise. |
51 Flowers borne in few-flowered cymose axillary clusters, overall appearing paniculate; [subfamily Ajugoideae] |
51 Flowers borne in a spike-like terminal thyrse. |
52 Corolla pink to lavender or white, 11-17 mm long |
52 Corolla blue (rarely white), 7-12 mm long |
53 Flowers borne in a dense terminal spike, 2-3-verticilled globose head, or spiciform thryse. |
55 Small plants to ca. 30 cm; leaves short, sessile, linear- lanceolate with revolute, entire margins; [ endemic to FL and se. GA] |
55 Large plants, well over 30 cm tall; leaves often petiolate, broadly ovate or lanceolate, margins not revolute or entire; [collectively widespread]. |
56 Bracts broadly rounded; corolla distinctly bilabiate; plants 1-3 m tall |
56 Bracts linear- lanceolate; corolla nearly regular; plants < 1 m tall |
53 Flowers borne in axillary verticils or terminal ( capitate to loosely flowered) clusters. |
57 Flowers in axillary clusters, corolla nearly regular. |
58 Axillary clusters loose, 1-3-flowered; [subfamily Ajugoideae] |
58 Axillary clusters dense, many-flowered; corolla white-pink |
59 Stems scabrous; corolla mostly blue-violet |
59 Stems glabrous to pubescent; corolla mostly white-pink |
57 Flowers in densely capitate or loosely flowered terminal clusters, corolla distinctly bilabiate. |
60 Flowers in loosely branched terminal and axillary cymes |
60 Flowers densely capitate cluster or terminal spike of well spaced verticils. |
61 Inflorescence either capitate or a spike, not subtended by large bracteal leaves |
61 Inflorescence capitate, subtended by large bracteal leaves (these often whitened on the upper surface and especially towards the base) |
1 Leaves predominantly basal. |
2 Upper corolla- lip strongly arched; leaves serrate |
2 Upper corolla- lip straight (or only slightly curved, not strongly arching); leaves lobed or toothed |
3 Veins of the 3 upper calyx lobes parallel, the lobes themselves minute and widely-spaced (> 1 mm between the 2 lateral teeth), separated by flattish sinuses; basal leaves lobed; [native, though weedy, common throughout our area] |
3 Veins of the 3 upper calyx lobes converging, the lobes themselves minute and spaced within a distance of 1 mm; basal leaves lobed or toothed; cauline leaves toothed (rarely lobed); [ exotic weed, rarely naturalized in our area]. |
1 Leaves predominantly cauline, not lobed. |
4 Leaves rhombic- ovate ( ovate- lanceolate in the waif S. hispanica), the bases cordate, subcordate, truncate, or broadly cuneate. |
5 Petiole not clearly differentiated from the leaf blade (leaf tissue decurrent on the petiole for most or all its length, appearing winged); corolla blue. |
6 Calyx < 5 mm long (ca. 2 mm); plants < 1 m tall; leaves 2-5 cm long and 1-3 cm wide; [c. FL (Orange County) southward] |
6 Calyx lobes > 5 mm long; plants 1.4-2.0 m tall; leaves 6-12 cm long and 3.0-6.5 cm wide; [n. FL north and westward] |
7 Leaves with cuneate bases extending into a winged petiole; plants typically with both terminal and axillary inflorescences; corolla 7-12 mm long; flowering Aug-Oct |
7 Leaves with abruptly truncate bases into a winged petiole; plants typically with a single terminal inflorescence; corolla 10-17 mm long; flowering Apr-May |
5 Petiole clearly differentiated from the leaf blade (not appearing winged); corolla blue, white, or scarlet. |
8 Corolla scarlet; larger leaves 3-6.5 cm long; [native] |
8 Corolla blue or whitish; leaves 5-20 cm long; [natives or non-natives] |
9 Calyx lobes awned, spinulose, or otherwise sharply acuminate; [FL and s. TX only in our area] |
9 Calyx lobes acute, obtuse, or rounded; [collectively widespread]. |
11 Leaves 1.5-4.5 cm long; plants annual, to 0.5 m tall; calyx with extensive capitate- glandular pubescence; [native, c. and s. FL]. |
12 Calyx 4.5-7 mm long (mature 5.5-8.0 mm long); corolla blue to violet; leaf blades 1.5-4.5 cm long, deltoid, the abaxial surface glabrous, pubescent on the veins |
12 Calyx 3.5-4 mm long (mature 5.0-5.5 mm long); corolla white to lavender; leaf blades 1.0-2.5 cm long, ovate, the abaxial surface densely pubescent |
11 Leaves 5.0-20 cm long; plants biennial or perennial, to ca. 1 m tall; [waifs, NC and MO northward]. |
13 Upper calyx lip > ½× as long as the calyx tube; flowers 4-12 per node; leaves (8-) 12-20 cm long |
13 Upper calyx lip < 1/3× as long as the calyx tube; flowers 12-30 per node; leaves 5-10 cm long |
4 Leaves lanceolate, linear, or narrowly elliptic, the bases cuneate to attenuate. |
14 Herb, not woody; leaves lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, not revolute |
15 Leaves canescent, gray (sometimes sparsely so in S. farinacea, which has densely canescent calyx lobes). |
16 Calyx lobes densely canescent; leaves linear to elliptic, sometimes curved upwards; [native of limestone uplands w. of MS river, waif in n. FL] |
16 Calyx lobes pubescent, but not densely canescent; leaves lanceolate to elliptic, flat; [introduced, rarely persistent from cultivation in gardens] |
15 Leaves puberulent, green; [native, of dry woodlands from sc. NC southward and westward]. |
17 Flowers 2 (-4) per node; corolla 8-12 mm long; annual |
17 Flowers 6-10 flowers per node; corolla > 13 mm long; perennial. |
18 Stem usually with sparse, antrorse or somewhat spreading pubescence; calyx with antrorse hairs limited to major veins; flowers of mature inflorescences spaced out, most internodes elongate and ranging up to 25 (-34) mm; [Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain and adjacent piedmont, from south-central NC to central FL to southeast LA] |
18 Stem usually with dense, retrorse pubescence; calyx with dense antrorse pubescence; flowers of mature inflorescences densely arranged, internodes between flowers very short, only the lowermost 1-3 internodes elongate and ranging up to 12 (-17) mm; [inland and prairie sites, ranging from IL, IA, NE, and e. CO south to nw. GA, n. AL, ne. MS, LA, and se. and c. TX] |