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Key to Stachys
3 Bracts of inflorescence (and upper leaves) mucronate (the mucros sometimes inconspicuous, appearing as short, whitish or blonde pointed spines, clearly differentiated from the blade); calyx lobes nearly as long as the tube; [extreme s. TX] | |
3 Bracts of inflorescence (and upper leaves) rounded to acute/pointed, not mucronate (or with mucros not clearly differentiated from the blade); calyx lobes, various, mostly clearly shorter than the tube | |
9 Calyx lobes narrowly lanceolate, about as long as the calyx tube; leaf blades lance-ovate to lanceolate, < 3 cm wide; stem angles glabrate to short retrorse pubescent; root tips with moniliform tubers; [native and weedy species, mostly of the Coastal Plain] | |
9 Calyx lobes deltoid to deltoid-lanceolate, shorter than the calyx tube; leaf blades broadly cordate-ovate, usually > 3 cm wide; stem angles hispid; roots without tubers; [native species of rich mountain forests]. | |
11 Stem faces eglandular; stem angles with spreading trichomes 1-3 mm long; leaves sparingly pubescent | |
11 Stem faces copiously atomiferous glandular; stem angles with pustulate based spreading trichomes 1-3 mm long; leaves atomiferous-glandular mixed with sparse eglandular trichomes | |
15 Leaf blades ovate-oblong to elliptic; calyx lobes deltoid-acuminate to an apiculate tip, ½ to 2/3 as long as the calyx tube; bracts of the inflorescence usually conspicuous and only gradually reduced upward; plants generally more pubescent | |
15 Leaf blades oblanceolate, oblong, or narrowly elliptic; calyx lobes lanceolate, usually recurved-spreading in fruit, about as long as the calyx tube; bracts of the inflorescence inconspicuous, rapidly reduced upward; plants generally glabrate | |
7 Petioles < 1/5 as long as the blade or absent. | |
16 Stem below the inflorescence glabrous on the sides (rarely with a few remote hairs and/or glands) or atomiferous-glandular only. | |
17 Leaves linear-lanceolate to lanceolate or lance-elliptic, often widest below the middle, 3-15 (-20) mm wide; leaf margins entire to crenulate or serrulate. | |
19 Mature calyx lobes triangular deltoid and abruptly apiculate, less than half as long as the calyx tube. | |
19 Mature calyx lobes lanceolate or deltoid-acuminate to an apiculate tip, more than half as long as the calyx tube. | |
21 Calyx sparsely to moderately pubescent with short, soft hairs; stem angles moderately pubescent to nearly glabrous; leaves sparsely pubescent or glabrate; principal leaves on petioles 1 to 3 cm long; bracts of the inflorescence usually conspicuous and only gradually reduced upward, the cilia ± incurved-ascending | |
21 Calyx hispidulous to strongly hispid with long, stiff hairs; stem angles moderately to densely pubescent; leaves usually pubescent above (some forms glabrate); principal leaves usually subsessile, with very short petioles; bracts of the inflorescence usually inconspicuous and rapidly reduced upward; if conspicuous, bracts ciliate with long, stiffly spreading hairs. | |
22 Calyx lobes straight at maturity, sparsely short glandular to eglandular; stem faces usually with a few atomiferous glands only | |
25 Calyx lobes lanceolate, more than half as long as the tube; flowers 6 per verticil; stem hairs prevailing soft and spreading, a short level commonly overtopped by a uniformly taller canopy layer; calyx with soft hairs | |
25 Calyx lobes lanceolate to-subulate; stem hairs with at least some stiff, eglandular; calyx usually with some stiff hairs. | |
26 Fully open flowers with straight calyx lobes, scarcely flaring; [VA, KY, and MO northwards] | |
23 Calyx lobes deltoid, no more than half as long as the calyx tube (but longer in S. alabamica); flowers 6-8 per verticil. | |
28 Petioles of midstem leaves 10 mm long (or more); calyx lobes deltoid-lanceolate; stem and abaxial leaf surface sparingly to moderately glandular and with frequent soft eglandular hairs; [GA, TN, KY] | |
28 Petioles of midstem leaves to 6 mm long; calyx lobes strongly deltoid; stem and abaxial leaf surface abundantly to densely atomiferous glandular and with some stiff eglandular hairs. | |
30 Calyx 5-6 mm long lobes less than ½ length of tube; lobe margins pubescent with eglandular trichomes, or a few glandular trichomes; pedicels to 0.5 mm long, rarely longer | |
29 Calyx tubular/cylindric; lower leaf surface densely atomiferous or not; calyx lobe margins pubescent, but not densely stipitate-glandular. | |
31 Leaf blades lanceolate- ovate lanceolate, commonly lyrate toward base; margins serrated; lower leaf densely atomiferous glandular; [AR, OK] |