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Key to Teucrium

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1 Leaves (at least the better-developed) deeply pinnatifid-lobed, the lobes extending > ½ way to the midvein; corolla white or pink, with pink or purple markings; flowers axillary to well-developed leaves.
  2 Corolla pink; annual to 1-3 dm tall
  2 Corolla white; annual or perennial 0.5-7.5 dm tall.
    3 Corolla 6-15 mm long; plant annual, 1.5-7.5 dm tall
    3 Corolla 14-22 mm long; plant perennial, 0.5-1.5 (-2.5) dm tall
1 Leaves entire or serrate; corolla lavender with dark purple markings; flowers in a terminal raceme, each subtended by a small bract clearly different than the main cauline leaves.
      4 Hairs of the calyx and inflorescence gland-tipped, 1.0-1.5 mm long; leaf undersurface densely pubescent beneath with long, straight or somewhat curly hairs
      4 Hairs of the calyx and inflorescence not gland-tipped, 0.5-0.8 mm long; leaf undersurfaces either with short, curved, loosely appressed hairs, or with tightly appressed, straight, silvery hairs.
        5 Midvein on lower surface of leaves with loose hairs, or if somewhat appressed, antrorse or retrorse; leaves grayish-green or gray beneath; [widespread in our area]
        5 Midvein on lower surface of leaves with closely appressed retrorse hairs towards the base of the leaf; leaves silvery beneath; [largely or entirely on the se. United States Coastal Plain]