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Key to Ilex
1 Leaves coriaceous, evergreen. | |
4 Leaves somewhat yellowish green above, 1.5-5.0 (-6.0) cm long, 1.0-2.5 (-3.1) cm wide, strongly revolute; fruits orange to red; [of Florida scrub and other dry sandy habitats of FL] | |
4 Leaves dark green above, 3-12 cm long, 2.0-5.5 cm wide, flat to slightly revolute; fruits red (rarely yellow); [of moist to fairly dry habitats, widespread in our area] | |
10 Fruits black or purple when ripe; peduncle absent or very short (< 3 mm long), the flowers (later fruits) thus clustered in the leaf axils; [of s. FL only]; [section undetermined] | |
10 Fruits red or yellow when ripe; peduncle elongate; [more widespread in our area]; [section Cassinoides]. | |
12 Leaves toothed; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
13 Leaves oblanceolate or obovate, broadest above the middle (to near the middle), 8-30 (-45) mm wide, narrowly cuneate basally, mostly 2-3× as long as wide; [section Prinoides]. | |
14 Pedicels of fruits and pistillate flowers 2-6 mm long; pedicels of staminate flowers (2-) 4-8 (-16) mm long; leaves mostly gray green, often revolute, especially toward the base; pubescence of the lower leaf surface tomentose, primarily on or near the midrib; leaf margins rarely ciliate. | |
15 Leaves 4.5-8.5 (-10) cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide; fruits (4-) 5-8 (-9) mm in diameter; sepals not ciliate; [widespread in our area, in the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and rarely Mountains of our area] | |
14 Pedicels of fruits and pistillate flowers (5.5-) 10-30 mm long; pedicels of staminate flowers (10-) 15-25 mm long; leaves rarely revolute; pubescence of the lower leaf surface strigose, distributed on the surface; leaf margins often ciliate. | |
17 Tertiary veins on undersurface of leaf blades reticulate, defining areoles between the raised primary and secondary veins; fruit surface dull; fruiting pedicels 6-14 mm long (averaging about 10 mm); [of blackwater floodplains and clay-based Carolina bays of the Coastal Plain]; ["clade IV"] | |
17 Tertiary veins on undersurface of leaf blades obscure, not defining obvious areoles between the raised primary and secondary veins; fruit surface shiny; fruiting pedicels either (8-) 10-30 mm long or 2-9 mm long (averaging either < 6 mm or > 15 mm long); [collectively of various habitats, widespread in our area]. | |
18 Fruiting pedicels (8-) 10-30 mm long; fruit (7-) 8-12 mm in diameter, bright cherry-red; petiole with a deeply U- to V-shaped channel on its upper side (made by the decurrent leaf edges), with dark ascending trichomes in the channel; bark of 2-3 year old twigs usually light tan; [of bogs, seepages, and very moist forests of the Mountains]; [section Prinoides] | |
18 Fruiting pedicels 2-9 mm long; fruit 5-9 (-12) mm in diameter, duller red to orange; petiole with U-shaped channel on its upper side, with white appressed trichomes in the channel, or the petiole nearly terete; bark of 2-3 year old twigs usually brown, gray, or purplish; [collectively of various habitats, widespread in our area]. | |
19 Nutlets (5-) 6-8 per fruit, smooth on the (curved) back; staminate flower clusters on peduncles 2-6 mm long; pistillate flowers with entire corolla lobes; flowers mostly in axils of leaves on normal shoots; petiole nearly terete in cross-section (or very shallowly channeled on the upper surface); [section Prinos]. | |
19 Nutlets 4-5 per fruit, with striate ridges on the (curved) back; staminate flower clusters sessile or very short-peduncled (0-2 mm long); pistillate flowers with ciliate corolla lobes; flowers mostly in axils of leaves on lateral short-shoots; petiole with U-shaped channel on its upper side, with white appressed trichomes in the channel; [section Prinoides]. | |
21 Leaves 2-9 (-10.5) cm long, elliptic to broadly ovate, often nearly round, the base usually rounded, the apex abruptly to gradually acuminate, the marginal teeth usually inconspicuous; petioles of mature leaves usually < 1 cm long; fruits 5-9 mm in diameter; plant a shrub to 6 m tall; [of the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Mountains] | |
21 Leaves 6-16 cm long (the largest, at least, > 8 cm long), narrowly to broadly ovate, the base usually cuneate, the apex long acuminate to attenuate, the marginal teeth rather coarse; petioles of mature leaves usually > 1 cm long; fruits 9-12 mm in diameter; plant a shrub or small tree to 10 m tall; [of the Mountains and upper Piedmont] |