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Key to Clerodendrum

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1 Corolla tube 5-12 cm long.
  2 Corolla tube white or cream; flowers axillary, subtended by leaf-like bracts, the ‘inflorescence’ elongate; leaf blades lanceolate, 4-10× as long as wide
  2 Corolla tube pinkish to red; flowers in a terminal and hemispheric compound cyme; leaf blades ovate, 1.5-3× as long as wide
1 Corolla tube < 3 cm long.
    3 Corolla white or pale pink.
      4 Shrub to 1 (-3) m tall; inflorescence 3-6 cm long; corolla doubled or additional ‘multiple’
      4 Shrub or small tree to 10 m tall; inflorescence 8-18 cm long; corolla single
    3 Corolla strongly pink, red, or orange.
        5 Corollas pink or pinkish-red; inflorescence compact and hemispheric, as wide or wider than long
        5 Corollas orange or orangey-red; inflorescence with an obvious central axis, longer than wide.