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Key to Lamiaceae

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1 Fruit a fleshy drupe; plant a small tree, shrub, or sprawling vine; mature stems terete or obscurely 4-sided (by secondary growth).
  2 Flowers zygomorphic; palmately (3-) 5-7 (-9) foliolate or simple (V. rotundifolia); [subfamily Viticoideae]
  2 Flowers essentially actinomorphic; leaves simple.
    3 Stems pubescent with dendritic hairs; inflorescence axillary; calyx 0.5-2 mm, lobes diminutive to nearly obsolete
    3 Stems glabrous or pubescent with simple (unbranched) hairs; inflorescence terminal (rarely only axillary); calyx lobes conspicuous or diminuitive.
      4 Corolla 5-40 mm long; calyx 5-18 mm, the lobes conspicuous, the calyx length often surpassing the fruit when mature; [subfamily Ajugoideae]
      4 Corolla 2-5 mm long; the calyx lobes inconspicuous and not surpassing the mature fruit; [subfamily Premnoideae]
1 Fruit a schizocarp of 4 dry mericarps; plant either an herb or a shrub to 5 (-20) dm tall; mature stems usually distinctly 4-sided (sometimes terete or obscurely 4-sided).
        5 Calyx with either a distinctly enlarged protuberance on the upper surface, or the upper lobe expanded and “cap-like”.
          6 Calyx with 5 lobes, clearly separate apically, with the upper lobe expanded and “cap-like”
          6 Calyx with 2 entire lobes joined at the margins, rounded apically, with a distinct protuberance on the upper surface
        5 Calyx without an enlarged protuberance or “cap-like” upper lobe.
             7 Upper lip of corolla greatly reduced or lobes laterally disposed, thus the corolla appearing to consist of one large lower lip; [subfamily Ajugoideae].
               8 Lower lip with 2-4 lobes; flowers yellow or deep blue-purple; plants stoloniferous
               8 Lower lip appearing 5-lobed (proximal 2 lateral, erect lobes represent the cryptic upper lip); flowers white to pink; plants cespitose
             7 Upper lip of corolla conspicuous, flaring or galeate.
                 9 Plants distinctly repent and rooting at the nodes, or producing elongate stolons.
                     11 Herbs; leaves cordate-reniform, coarsely crenate, the blade > 1 cm long; inflorescence of axillary cymules; corollas 10-20 mm
                     11 Subshrubs; leaves ovate to elliptic, entire, the blade < 1 cm long; inflorescence a terminal thyrse; corollas 4-5 mm
                              15 Calyx with 3-4 prominent lobes (rarely 5, if one includes small teeth).
                                  17 Calyx with 4 unequal primary lobes; flowers large, 2.5-3.5 cm long, in bracteate terminal racemes
                                  17 Calyx with 3 primary lobes (upper lobe occasionally with 3 apiculate teeth, e.g. Salvia lyrata); flowers 3 cm or less, in terminal thyrses.
                                    18 Stamens 4; calyx enveloped and partially concealed by subtending bracts
                                       19 Herbs; calyx with simple trichomes; leaves non-revolute, margins various, membranaceous
                              15 Calyx usually with 5 prominent lobes (except for Clinopodium with rarely fused upper lobes).
                                                            29 Stamens ascending under the upper corolla lip, either included within the tube (or at least not clearly exserted beyond it).
                                                                       34 Stems often with swollen nodes (areas just below appear dark and sunken upon drying, except G. ladanum); hairs of the stem either exclusively hispid or short recurved and mixed with longer glandular trichomes; corolla 15-28 mm long
                                                                       34 Stems without swollen nodes; hairs of the stem finely and softly retrorse, generally lacking glandular hairs (though sessile glands may be present); corolla 5-14 mm long.