Click the number at the start of a key lead to highlight both that lead and its corresponding lead. Click again to show only the two highlighted leads. Click a third time to return to the full key with the selected leads still highlighted.
1 Inner phyllaries constricted above the middle, widened toward the truncate (or rarely acuminate) apex | |
1 Inner phyllaries never constricted above the middle, gradually narrowing toward the acute to acuminate apex. | |
2 Petiole of the basal leaves solid; heads in the upper part of the inflorescence on peduncles > 2.5 cm long; heads corymbosely arranged on the main branches | |
2 Petiole of the basal leaves hollow (at least toward its base); heads in the upper party of the inflorescence on peduncles < 2 cm long; heads racemosely arranged on the main branches. | |
3 Heads 1.1-2.4 cm in diameter; heads on terminal branches sessile or pedunculate; middle phyllaries < 1.8 mm wide; corolla with glandular hairs | |