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Key to Artemisia
1 Disk flowers functionally sterile (with abortive ovaries); corollas subglobose; fresh plants either not aromatic or with a tarragon odor; [subgenus Dracunculus]. | |
4 Receptacle bearing dense long hairs between the flowers; fresh plants strongly aromatic; [subgenus Absinthium] | |
6 Inflorescence obviously paniculate, the branches evident, the heads on slender peduncles; involucres 1-2 mm high and 1-2 mm wide; fresh plants sweet-aromatic | |
6 Inflorescence spike-like, the heads crowded and hiding the branches; involucres 2-3 mm high, 2-3 mm wide; fresh plants not aromatic | |
7 Principal leaves 2-3-pinnatifid, the terminal segments < 1.5 mm wide; plant a shrub or suffrutescent herb. | |
7 Principal leaves entire to 2-pinnatifid, the terminal segments > 2 mm wide; plant an herb (sometimes somewhat woody at the base). | |
9 Involucres 2.5-5 mm high; disk corollas 1-3 mm long. | |
11 Plants always with well-developed rhizomes and stolons, thus forming dense colonial patches; middle leaves with terminal (untoothed) leaf segment usually > 3 cm long; stem with central white pith region occupying approx. 1/3 of total (green and white) pith diameter; inflorescence often well-branched; plants typically flowering later (late summer, autumn) | |
11 Plants almost always non-rhizomatous (instead tufted perennials), although sometimes with short rhizomes thus, several stems usually arising from one concentrated point at ground level; middle leaves with terminal (untoothed) leaf segment usually < 3 cm long; stem with central white pith region occupying approx. 4/5 of total (green and white) pith diameter; inflorescence often sparsely branched; plants typically (though not always) flowering earlier (late spring, summer), although sometimes with a second flowering period in autumn | |
12 Leaf blades 0.1-3 cm long; deeply pinnatifid with sinuses greater than ½ the blade width; [TX northwards, southwards, and westwards] | |
12 Leaf blades 1.5-11 cm long; usually shallowly lobed with sinuses less than ½ the blade width; [collectively widely distributed]. | |
13 Leaves margins planar; stems gray to white tomentose; [widely distributed in our region] | |