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Key to Eurybia, Key A: Eurybia asters with long petioles and cordate or subcordate blades
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1 Outer phyllaries squarrose-reflexed; rhizomes short or absent, the plants not forming extensive clonal colonies; [of rich slopes and bottomlands of the lower Piedmont of NC, SC, GA, and AL]. | |
2 Involucre (10-) 11-13 mm tall; phyllaries 36-50, ovate, elliptic, or lanceolate, acute to acuminate at the apex, squarrose in life, often only the innermost squarrose in dried specimens, the reflexed portion with a distinct hyaline margin; ray florets 7-15, blue or violet; [of the lower Piedmont of GA and AL] | |
2 Involucre 7-10 (-12) mm high; phyllaries 46-75 (-90), oblong-lanceolate, acute, obtuse, or rounded at the apex, squarrose in life, generally remaining so in dried specimens, the reflexed portion herbaceous with a narrow hyaline margin or none at all; ray florets (7-) 16-20 (-30), white or lavender; [of the lower Piedmont of s. NC and SC] | |
1 Outer phyllaries appressed (or slightly and irregularly spreading); rhizomes long, the plants forming extensive clonal colonies; [of various habitats and distribution]. | |
3 Branches of the inflorescence not glandular-pubescent; ray flowers white (sometimes fading pinkish or lavender with age). | |
4 Plants with basal leaves on well-developed shoots separate from the flowering shoots; larger leaves with 15-30 teeth per side | |
4 Plants without basal leaves on well-developed shoots separate from the flowering shoots; larger leaves with 5-20 teeth per side. | |