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1 Rays 0-1.5 (-2) mm long, lacking pappus scales (or with vestigial scales); outer phyllaries 2-4, with scarious margins; inner paleae deeply 3-lobed; pappus scales of the disc florets not awn-tipped; stem usually glabrous or sparsely pubescent with appressed (rarely spreading) hairs; gland-tipped hairs of the peduncles < 0.5 mm long; teeth of leaf margin obscure, broadly rounded or reduced to thickened bumps | |
1 Rays 2-3 mm long, with pappus scales about as long as the corolla tube; outer phyllaries 1-2, with green herbaceous margins; inner paleae usually entire; pappus scales of the disc florets awn-tipped; stem usually moderately pubescent with long, spreading hairs; gland-tipped hairs of the peduncles > 0.5 mm long; teeth of leaf margins usually well developed, acute |