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1 Plants 3-8 dm tall; larger leaves on a plant generally 3-8 cm long; heads 1 (-3) per plant; rays 6-10 (-13) per head; rays 1-2 (-2.4) cm long; [of the Coastal Plain]
1 Plants (4-) 8-15 dm tall; larger leaves on a plant generally 7-15 cm long; heads (1-) 3-8 per plant; rays (8-) 10-16 per head; rays (1.5-) 2-4 cm long; [widespread in our area, rare in the Coastal Plain].
2 Leaves smooth on both sides (or sometimes sparsely pubescent below and slightly scabrous above); leaves (4.0-) 4.5-6.0 (-12) cm wide; stem glabrous and glaucous below, slightly pubescent above, the hairs generally all slender and ascending