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Key to Packera
1 Plant an annual (rarely a biennial) from a fibrous root system or a taproot; leaves with lateral lobes either broadly rounded (and toothed) apically and broadly triangular-cuneate or rounded at the base, or parallel-sided in their lower half and 3-5-lobed apically, the lateral lobes resembling the terminal lobe in shape and usually size; [of wet soil of swamps and wet fields] | |
3 Principal leaves (especially the basal) pinnate-2-pinnatifid to 2-3-pinnatifid, the primary lateral segments mostly 0.5-5 mm wide. | |
4 Primary leaf segments of basal leaves 2-5 mm wide; rachis winged, at least in the upper half of the leaf, with a narrow to broad wing 1-4 mm wide on either side, thus the leaf 2-pinnatifid | |
4 Primary leaf segments of basal leaves 0.5-2 mm wide; rachis unwinged or with a very narrow wing < 1 mm wide on either side, thus the leaf 3-pinnate-pinnatifid (pinnate, the pinnae themselves 2-pinnate to 2-pinnatifid) | |
6 Leaf blades lanceolate, 4-7× as long as wide; [of high-elevation grass balds in the Blue Ridge of w. NC and e. TN] | |
5 Basal leaves cuneate at the base, with leaf tissue often somewhat decurrent along upper petiole or petiole winged throughout; leaf blades oblong, elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate, or spathulate, 1.5-8× longer than broad. | |
9 Basal leaves oblanceolate, narrowly elliptic, the blade 2-8× as long as wide; plants usually not forming clonal patches by stolons or widely creeping rhizomes. | |
10 Heads many, generally 20-100; basal leaves (including petioles) up to 30 cm long and 3.5 cm wide | |
10 Heads few, generally 5-20; basal leaves (including petioles) up to 12 cm long and 2 cm wide. | |
11 Leaves with 11-25 teeth per margin; leaves not triple-nerved; plants 28-50 cm tall; larger basal leaves 10-26 cm long; stem leaves pinnatifid; [of wetlands: wet meadows, wet prairies, bogs, seeps, and wet pine savannas] | |
12 Basal leaves (including petioles) mostly 10-25 cm long, held in a vertical posture; [Coastal Plain and Piedmont, rarely Mountains] | |
13 Tomentum of leaf blades very fine and tight; [shale barrens and woodlands, w. VA and WV north to w. MD and wc. PA] | |
13 Tomentum of leaf blades coarser, looser; [calcareous, mafic, or ultramafic cliffs, barrens, and woodlands, w. VA and e. VA southward to w. NC and e. TN] | |
14 Basal leaves elliptic-oblong, broadest at the middle; stem leaves deeply pinnatisect to pinnatifid; leaf teeth sharp and usually doubly serrate; plants spreading by dark rhizomes 1-3 cm long and 1.5-2.0 mm in diameter; involucres 4.0-5.5 mm high, 5.5-7.5 mm wide | |