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1 Head 1 per plant (individual rosette); stems 0.1-0.3 dm tall; [TX and OK westwards] | |
2 Stems with numerous thorns (1-2 cm long, modified axillary branches), and few or no leaves | |
2 Stems leafy, not armed with thorns. | |
4 Annuals from taproots; ray florets 0.3-7 mm long. | |
8 Heads borne in corymbiform arrays, the branches often subtended by large and leaf-like bracts; phyllaries < 2.5 (-3)× as long as wide, often > 1 mm wide; plants (in most species) colonial by rhizomes; rays (in most species) white; phyllaries (in many species) glandular | |
8 Heads borne in paniculiform arrays, the branches bearing small and narrow bracts; phyllaries > 3× as long as wide, often < 1 mm wide; plants (in most species) solitary; rays (in most species) blue, violet, or pink; phyllaries eglandular | |
10 Heads borne either in flat-topped or rounded, corymbose arrays, or in narrow racemiform or spiciform panicles, or solitary. | |
11 Leaves either longer or broader or both, herbaceous; Leaves (5-) 13-45 mm wide, herbaceous, neither scabrous-margined nor spine-tipped; plants 4-30 dm tall; pappus not divided into distinct inner and outer series. | |
12 Plants 10-35 dm tall; larger leaves (basal or low on the stem) with cuneate or attenuate bases, the blades 30-50 cm long; [non-native, rarely persistent or spreading from horticultural use] | |
13 Heads borne either in flat-topped or rounded, corymbose arrays, or in narrow racemiform/spiciform panicles, or solitary. | |
15 Heads borne in corymbose arrays. | |
16 Disc flowers yellow (and often fading to pink or purplish). | |
17 Rays 2-7, the ray ligules 2-11 mm long, often twisted or contorted; phyllaries whitish with a distinct green tip, the green area about as wide as long | |
17 Rays (8-) 9-40, the ray ligules 4-20 mm long, generally planar (or neatly coiling at post-maturity); phyllaries various. | |
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1 Phyllaries very narrow, ca. 0.5 (-0.75) mm wide, linear-lanceolate, very gradually tapering to a pointed or minutely rounded tip; [subgenus Solidago, section Erectae, series Puberulae]. | |
2 Stems glabrous below and to the mid-stem; rays mostly 6-9; inner phyllaries usually striate with 2 prominent secondary veins | |
2 Stems finely hairy throughout with minute strigillose hairs; rays mostly 9-16; inner phyllaries not striate. | |
3 Leaves 20-50 (-60) per stem; midstem leaves usually 4-5 cm long; phyllaries attenuate; [Mountains and Piedmont of GA northward, and Coastal Plain from VA northward] | |
3 Leaves (20-) 50-120 per stem; midstem leaves usually 1-4 cm long; phyllaries acute to acuminate; [Coastal Plain from DE southward] | |
1 Phyllaries broader, (0.75-) 1.0-1.5 mm wide at mid-length, ovate to lanceolate, acute to obtuse or broadly rounded; [subgenus Solidago, section Erectae, series Erectae]. | |
6 Leaves and stems sparsely to densely hairy with long, spreading (to less typically appressed) hairs | |
7 Inflorescence thyrsiform, very slender, usually linear in outline but sometimes with a few widely spaced elongate branches; cypsela bodies 2.2-3.0 mm long; ray flowers often pale yellow; [MA to se. IN, south to GA and MS, mostly avoiding the Coastal Plain southward] | |