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Key to Araceae

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1 Plant a floating aquatic (or stranded), the individual thalloid leaves < 2 cm long; [subfamily Lemnoideae].
  2 Fronds rootless; fronds without nerves; reproductive pouch 1, terminal.
    3 Fronds thick, globoid, < 2 mm long
    3 Fronds flat, elongate and curved, 4-14 mm long
  2 Fronds with roots; fronds with 1 or more nerves; reproductive pouches 2, lateral.
      4 Roots 1 per frond; fronds with 1-5 (-7) nerves
      4 Roots (1-) 2-21 per frond; fronds with (3-) 5-21 nerves.
        5 Roots (1-) 2-7 (-12) per frond; fronds with (3-) 5-7 nerves; fronds 1.5-3× as long as wide; all of the roots perforating the scalelike leaflet
        5 Roots 7-21 per frond; fronds with 7-16 (-21) nerves; fronds 1-1.5× as long as wide; only some of the roots perforating the scalelike leaflet (borne on the underside)
1 Plant terrestrial, rooted in wetlands, or a floating aquatic (if a floating aquatic – Pistia – the individual leaves > 2 cm long).
          6 Plant a floating aquatic, with gray-green, velvety, cabbage-like leaves; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Pistieae]
          6 Plant rooted (even when growing in water), the leaves various, but not as above.
             7 Leaves compound (or sometimes very deeply 3-lobed, with only <3 mm leaf tissue connecting the lobes).
               8 Plant a liana, with many leaves along the stem; sap milky; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Caladieae]
               8 Plant an herb, with 1-5 basal leaves; sap clear; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Arisaemateae].
image of plant
Show caption*© Richard & Teresa Ware
                 9 Spadix free of the spathe; spathe unisexual (with either female flowers only or male flowers only) or bisexual (and then the female and male flowers not separated by a sterile gap); leaves either palmately compound with 3-5 leaflets or pedately compound with 5-15 leaflets, the central leaflet as large as or smaller than the adjacent leaflets; bulblets lacking on the petiole; [native, common].
image of plant
Show caption*© Michelle Wong, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Michelle W.
                 9 Spadix fused basally along one side (for several cm) to the spathe; spathe bisexual, with a basal section of female flowers, a sterile gap, a section of male and female flowers on the free side; leaves either palmately compound with 3 leaflets (juvenile leaves sometimes simple or very deeply 3-lobed) or pedately compound with 5-7 (-9) leaflets, the central leaflet as large as or larger than the others; bulblets either absent or present at base and summit of the petiole; [exotic, rarely naturalized]
                   10 Leaves both peltate and cordate-hastate; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Colocasieae]
                     11 Primary lateral veins and midrib of abaxial leaf surfaces with wax glands; mature fruit orange or red and odorless, some containing a few large seeds
                     11 Primary lateral veins and midrib of abaxial leaf surfaces without wax glands; fruits inconspicuously colored and odorous, with many small mucilaginous seeds
                       12 Spathe absent or obscure; leaf blade 2.5-5× as long as wide, cuneate at the base, lanceolate or narrowly elliptic; leaf venation parallel; [subfamily Orontioideae, tribe Orontieae]
                       12 Spathe present, surrounding the spadix, at least at its base; leaf blade 1-2.5× as long as wide, either hastate at the base (Arum, Peltandra, Syngonium, and Xanthosoma), or rounded (Symplocarpus), or cordate (Calla), broadly ovate in outline.
                          13 Sap milky; [rare exotic, n. FL southwards]; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Caladieae]
                            14 Spathe white; leaves cordate; plants from elongate rhizomes; [MD northward]; [subfamily Calloideae]
                            14 Spathe green or white; leaves hastate or rounded at base; plants from fibrous roots, a short thick rhizome, tuber, or a corm; [collectively widespread].
                              15 Leaves ovate, rounded or subcordate at the base; spathe purple, or purple flecked with white; [subfamily Orontioideae, tribe Symplocarpeae]
                              15 Leaves hastate at the base (somewhat arrowhead-shaped); spathe green or white; [subfamily Aroideae].
                                16 Larger leaf blades > 5 dm long; longer petioles 10-20 dm long; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Caladieae]
                                16 Larger leaf blades < 5 dm long; longer petioles < 7 dm long.
                                  17 Plant from a horizontal tuber; leaves variegated; [exotic, of moist soils]; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Areae]
                                  17 Plant from fibrous roots; leaves not variegated; [native, of wetlands]; [subfamily Aroideae, tribe Peltandreae]

Key N1: herbaceous dicots with mainly basal, compound leaves

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1 Leaves either 2-3-foliolate or palmately 4-11-foliolate (all the leaflets attached at a common point).
  2 Leaves 2-foliolate; fruit a capsule, opening by a circumscissile lid
  2 Leaves either 3-foliolate or palmately or pedately 4-11-foliolate.
    3 Inflorescence an involucrate head subtended by phyllaries, the heads solitary or many and variously arrayed in secondary inflorescences, the ovary inferior, the corolla connate and tubular at least basally, the calyx absent, the stamens 5, the fruit a cypsela
    3 Inflorescence, flower, and fruit structure various, but not with the combination of features as above.
      4 Inflorescence various, usually not an umbel (sometimes an umbel in Oxalis in OXALIDACEAE); ovary superior; fruit an aggregate, legume, berry, or 2-valved capsule.
        5 Leaflets either entire or barely and very shallowly crenulate or notched at the tip (but otherwise entire).
          6 Inflorescence a spadix, surrounded by a spathe; fruit a berry; [Monocots {illogically keyed here because of the likelihood of being mistaken for a dicot}]
          6 Inflorescence a raceme or umbel, not surrounded by a spathe; fruit a capsule or legume; [Eudicots].
             7 Flowers bilaterally symmetrical; fruit a legume; [plant of uplands]
             7 Flowers radially symmetrical; fruit a 2-valved or 5-valved capsule; [plant of uplands or wetlands]
               8 Leaflets not notched at the tip; flowers white; [plants of saturated saturated or ponded wetlands]
               8 Leaflets notched at the tip; flowers pink, white, or yellow; [plants of uplands or temporarily flooded wetlands]
                 9 Petals 5 or more; stamens 10 or more; fruit either a legume or an aggregate of achenes or follicles
                   10 Stamens many, fused into a staminal tube; carpels 10-20, in a ring; pubescence stellate (sometimes mixed with simple hairs)
                   10 Stamens 10-many, separate, or fused but not all into a staminal tube; carpel either 1 (FABACEAE), or 3-7 in a ring (RANUNCULACEAE), or many and spirally arranged on a conical receptacle (RANUNCULACEAE or ROSACEAE)
                     11 Leaflets serrulate; flowers bilaterally symmetrical; fruit a legume; corolla variously colored, including white
                     11 Leaflets serrate; flowers radially symmetrical; fruit an aggregate of achenes or of follicles; corolla white or yellowish or greenish.
                       12 Fruit an aggregate of achenes (borne on a fleshy, expanded receptacle in Fragaria and some Potentilla)
1 Leaves 1-pinnately compound (all leaflets attached to a central rachis) or more complexly compound (with several orders of branching, some leaflets at least attached to second-order branches from the rachis).
                              15 Inflorescence an involucrate head subtended by phyllaries, the heads solitary or many and variously arrayed in secondary inflorescences, the ovary inferior, the corolla connate and tubular at least basally, the calyx absent, the stamens 5, the fruit a cypsela
                              15 Inflorescence, flower, and fruit structure various, but not with the combination of features as above.
                                16 Flowers radially symmetrical; fruit a silique/silicle, or a schizocarp of mericarps, or an achene.
                                  17 Petals 0 or 5 (if 0, the sepals petaloid); stamens 2, 4, 5, or many.
                            14 Leaves more complexly compound (with 2 or more orders of branching, some leaflets at least attached to second-order branches from the rachis).
                                       19 Inflorescence an involucrate head subtended by phyllaries, the heads solitary or many and variously arrayed in secondary inflorescences, the ovary inferior, the corolla connate and tubular at least basally, the calyx absent, the stamens 5, the fruit a cypsela
                                       19 Inflorescence, flower, and fruit structure various, but not with the combination of features as above (sometimes the flowers in a head subtended by bracts, but then with other features differing, such as stamens 4, or green calyx present, or petals separate, or fruit a schizocarp of mericarps, etc.).
                                         20 Leaf segments or ultimate lobes linear or lanceolate, > 2× as long as wide, < 4 mm wide.
                                             22 Carpels 2, fused; fruit an elongate capsule; flowers bilaterally symmetrical
                                             22 Carpels 5-10 or many, separate; fruit an aggregate; flower radially symmetrical
                                         20 Leaf segments or ultimate lobes ovate or elliptic, < 3× as long as wide, > 5 mm wide.
                                               23 Inflorescence various, but not an umbel; fruit an aggregate of follicles or achenes, an elongate capsule, or a naked seed resembling a drupe.
                                                    25 Leaflets with < 10 ultimate ‘points’ (lobe or tooth terminations), these rounded to broadly acute, often large in comparison to the leaflet and appearing as “sublobes”; pistil 1 or 4-many.
                                                      26 Corolla radially symmetrical; fruit an aggregate of follicles or achenes, or a naked seed resembling a drupe; [native plants of moist to dry forests and rock outcrops].
                                                        27 Leaflets 5-8 cm long, obviously longer than broad; pistil 1; fruit a naked blue seed resembling a drupe; flowers mainly 3-merous
                                                        27 Leaflets 1-6 cm long, about as long as broad if > 4 cm long; pistils 4-many; fruit an aggregate of follicles or achenes; flowers mainly 4-5-merous
                                                    25 Leaflets with >11 ultimate ‘points’ (lobe or tooth terminations), these acuminate to acute; pistils 1-8.
                                                          28 Pubescence of the stem and lower leaf surface glandular; flowers unisexual, on the same plant (monoecious); stamens 10; pistils 2, partly fused; fruit an aggregate of follicles
                                                          28 Pubescence of the stem and lower leaf surface non-glandular (or absent); flowers either bisexual (the plants hermaphroditic), or unisexual and the male and female flowers on separate plants (the plants dioecious); stamens 15 or more; pistils 1-8, separate; fruit an aggregate of follicles, a follicle, or a red or white berry.
                                                            29 Flowers bisexual (plants hermaphroditic); carpels 1-8 per flower; inflorescence a raceme, or a panicle of racemes with just a few branches; fruit an aggregate of follicles, a follicle, or a red or white berry
                                                            29 Flowers unisexual (plants dioecious); carpels 3-4 per pistillate flower; inflorescence a panicle of racemes, with numerous branches; fruit an aggregate of follicles