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1 Plant a tree, with opposite leathery leaves; [of FL, s. MS, s. LA southward] |
1 Plant an herb, with various leaf arrangements. |
2 Leaves in a basal rosette (sometimes with smaller leaves on a scape). |
3 Leaves glabrate, to 22 cm long and 8 cm wide; corolla 0.8-1.3 cm long; capsule 8-10 mm long; stamens 2; [of moist to wet swamps]; [subfamily Nelsonioideae] |
3 Leaves pubescent, to 10 cm long and 3 cm wide; corolla 1.8-4 cm long; capsule 9-18 mm long; stamens 4; [of dry upland pinelands]. |
4 Leaves 2-10 cm long, 1-3 cm wide; corolla 3-4 cm long; calyx lobes 15-30 mm long; capsule 12-18 mm long |
4 Leaves 1.5-2.5 cm long, 0.7-0.8 cm wide; corolla ca. 2 cm long; calyx lobes 6-9 mm long; capsule ca. 10 mm long |
5 Fertile stamens 2; corolla distinctly 2-lipped (except salverform in Pseuderanthemum and with 4 nearly equal lobes in Yeatesia). |
6 Corolla distinctly 2-lipped or 4- lobed. |
7 Leaves speckled or mottled with pink or white |
7 Leaves not speckled with pink or white. |
8 Bracts and bractlets inconspicuous, 2-5 mm long, linear or triangular; stem subterete or obscurely 4-angled |
8 Bracts and/or bractlets subtending the flowers conspicuous, 5-15 mm long, obovate; stem terete or 6-angled. |
9 Stem six-angled in cross-section; corolla conspicuously 2-lipped |
9 Stem terete in cross-section; corolla 4- lobed, the lobes nearly equal |
5 Fertile stamens 4; corolla not distinctly 2-lipped, the corolla lobes of nearly equal size (except distinctly 2-lipped in Hygrophila). |
10 Corolla distinctly 2-lipped |
10 Corolla not distinctly 2-lipped, the corolla lobes of nearly equal size. |
11 Plant an herbaceous vine; leaves cordate- hastate at the base; flowers yellow to orange, usually with a dark purple “eye” |
11 Plant an herb; leaves cuneate to rounded at the base; flowers white to various shades of blue or pink. |
12 Flowers axillary, solitary. |
13 Calyx lobes linear- aristate; anther sacs awned or pointed at the base |
13 Calyx lobes lanceolate or linear; anther sacs blunt |
12 Flowers in elongate terminal racemes |
14 Bracts in the inflorescence small, inconspicuous |
14 Bracts in the inflorescence large, conspicuous |
1 Leaves deciduous (medium to pale green, thin in texture); leaves strictly opposite. |
2 Leaves 10-70 cm wide, cordate or subcordate at the base; flowers 5 -merous, bilaterally symmetrical, large (20-70 mm long), the petals connate into a tube; fruit a capsule. |
3 Flowers white to yellow; capsules linear, >10× as long as wide; leaf undersurface with curly simple hairs; nectar glands present in the main vein axils on the undersurface of the leaf (visible from the underside or the upperside in fresh leaves and herbarium specimens as a triangle 1-4 mm on a side) |
3 Flowers lavender; capsules ellipsoid, < 2× as long as wide; leaf undersurface with branched ( dendritic or stellate) hairs; nectar glands absent |
2 Leaves 1-12 cm wide, cuneate to rounded at the base; flowers 4-6 -merous, radially symmetrical, small to medium (< 25 mm long), the petals either connate into a tube or separate and clawed; fruit a drupe or capsule. |
4 Leaves with prominently parallel-arcing secondary veins; corolla 4 -merous, < 8 mm long, white to cream; inflorescence a many-flowered corymb or head; flowers white to cream; fruit a drupe |
4 Leaves with complexly branching secondary and tertiary veins; corolla 5-6 -merous, 12-25 mm long, either greenish-yellow and mottled with purple, or white, pink, or purple; inflorescence a few-flowered cyme or many-flowered cymose panicle; fruit a capsule. |
5 Leaves 4-20 cm long, 2.5-12 cm wide; petals connate into a 15-25 mm long tube, either greenish-yellow and mottled with purple; some calyx lobes expanding to 7 cm long and 5 cm wide, petaloid (pink to yellowish); capsule 2-valved; [native, in saturated, boggy seepages and streamheads, se. SC to FL] |
5 Leaves 2.5-7 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide; petals separate, clawed, 12-20 mm long (including the 6-9 mm long claw), white, pink, or purple; calyx remaining small and sepaloid (3.5-5 mm long); capsule 4-6-valved; [introduced, persistent from planting in upland to moist situations] |
1 Leaves evergreen (dark green or gray-green, thick in texture); leaves opposite or subopposite ( offset by < 2mm from the opposing leaf). |
6 Mangroves, with one of various adaptations to growing in tidal or near-tidal, saline situations: prominent salt-excreting glands on the petiole ( Laguncularia in COMBRETACEAE), or prop roots ( Rhizophora in RHIZOPHORACEAE), or abundant pneumatophores ( Avicennia in ACANTHACEAE); [FL and less commonly subtropical shores of other, especially Gulf Coast, southeastern states]. |
7 Leaves broadly elliptic, light green on both surfaces, rounded to broadly cuneate at the base, rounded and often retuse at the tip; petiole with 2 prominent salt-excreting glands; plants with neither prop-roots from the trunk and branches, nor pneumatophores from the roots |
7 Leaves narrowly elliptic, dark green above, cuneate at the base, acute to obtuse at the tip; petiole without salt glands; plants with either prop-roots from the trunk and branches, or pneumatophores from the roots. |
8 Plants with numerous pneumatophores ascending from the roots and terminating in a blunt tip; leaves gray on the undersurface |
8 Plants with prominent prop-roots descending to the ground from the trunk and branches; leaves light green on the undersurface |
6 Non- mangroves; [collectively widespread]. |
9 Secondary leaf veins relatively few, further branching and reticulating into the tertiary vein structure; [collectively widespread]. |
10 Leaves strictly opposite, blue- or gray-green on both surfaces, suborbicular (about as wide as long), strongly aromatic when fresh |
10 Leaves opposite or subopposite ( offset by < 2mm from the opposing leaf); dark green above, pale green below; oblancolate, elliptic, or ovate (distinctly longer than wide), not aromatic when fresh |
11 Twigs with spines; leaf venation with 3 primary veins from near the blade base; fruit a spherical berry, 5-12 cm long |
11 Twigs lacking spines; leaf venation pinnate; fruit an elliptical drupe, < 2.5 cm long |
9 Secondary leaf veins very many, closely parallel to one another and extending unbranched to the leaf margin. |
12 Leaves elliptic, widest near the midpoint of the blade, ca. 2× as long as wide; flowers in axillary thyrses; fruit a 1-seeded drupe, 2-4 cm long |
12 Leaves spatulate, widest towards the broadly rounded tip, ca. 1.2-1.6× as long as wide; flowers terminal on the branches, 1-3; fruit a leathery capsule, (4-) 6-9 (-12)-valved, 5-8 cm long |