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3 Leaves pinnately compound with > 5 leaflets; petals absent; fruit a samara; small to large tree; [tribe Oleeae, subtribe Fraxininae] | |
3 Leaves trifoliolate; petals 6-10, yellow, conspicuous; fruit a deeply 2-lobed dryish berry; [tribe Jasmineae] | |
9 Inflorescence a many-flowered terminal panicle; leaves generally ovate, elliptic or lanceolate (widest below or at the middle); [tribe Oleeae, subtribe Ligustrinae] | |
9 Inflorescence a few-flowered axillary panicle or fascicle; leaves generally oblanceolate or obovate (widest above the middle); [tribe Oleeae, subtribe Oleinae]. | |
1 Leaf margins on at least some leaves lobed, the lobes tipped by spines; leaves < 10 cm long; inflorescence an axillary fascicle (lacking a central axis); [horticulturally planted, rarely naturalizing]. | |