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3 Leaves lanceolate or broader, 1-5× as long as wide; receptacle paleate; [collectively widespread]. | |
4 Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate, unlobed or obscurely 3-lobed; leaf blade margins toothed or entire; leaves strictly opposite; [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Ecliptinae]. | |
6 Leaves lanceolate, sometimes 3-lobed, usually serrate but sometimes nearly entire; heads 4-8 mm in diameter; cypselas flattened and winged; [TX only] | |
7 Disc flowers pink, purple, or white. | |
8 Heads small (involucres 2-8 mm high), solitary, axillary in the axils of leaves or leafy bracts (similar to the leaves but smaller) or interpretable as arrayed in bracteate racemes; heads nodding, the involucre 2-7 mm high; [collectively widespread in coastal portions of our area, of maritime situations]; [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Ambrosiinae] | |
8 Heads small to larger (involucres 3-15+ mm high), many, terminal on the branches of corymbiform or paniculiform arrays; heads erect, the involucre 4-12 mm high; [of Coastal Plain of FL, s. GA, and TX]. | |
10 Leaf blades triangular or lanceolate, truncate, cordate, or cuneate at the base, acute to acuminate at the apex; leaf margins serrate; leaves opposite throughout. | |
11 Phyllaries broad, 2-3× as long as wide, the inner phyllaries translucent-scarious white to pinkish at their broadly rounded apices, falling as the head goes to fruit | |
11 Phyllaries narrow, 4-7× as long as wide, the inner phyllaries green at their acute to acuminate apices, persistent on the head in age. | |
12 Involucres 2-3 mm in diameter; phyllaries 7-16 in 1-2 series; disc flowers 3-13 per head; [s. FL only (in our region)] | |
12 Involucres 3-7 mm in diameter; phyllaries 25-35 in 2-3 series; disc flowers 10-60 per head; [TX only (in our region)]. | |
17 Rays white, 21-34+; leaves obovate to oblanceolate, averaging ca. 4× as long as wide, dentate; [non-native, known in our region only from NY] | |
18 Heads pseudoradiate, with 11-25 pseudoray flowers and 0 disc flowers; leaves 8-70 mm wide | |
19 Phyllaries in 1-2 series and equal or subequal in length to one another, the phyllaries often coherent/fused (the involucre thus appearing as a cylinder with ribs extending from base to top; calyculus (of bracts subtending the phyllaries and differing from them in texture, color, or orientation) present; [tribe Senecioneae] | |
19 Phyllaries in 3-17 series and unequal in length (imbricated); calyculus absent. | |
20 Rays bright yellow, (0-) 1-9; involucre 1-2.5 (-3) mm in diameter. | |
21 Pappus of 40-60 barbellate bristles; ray blades 4-6 mm long; leaf surfaces minutely pebbled; intricately branched shrubs to 1 m tall, with persistent sterile shoots with evergreen leaves and annual flowering shoots (the entire shoot and leaves deciduous); [Coastal Plain, se. NC south to Panhandle FL and s. MS] | |
24 Leaves 1-pinnately lobed, the many (>21) lobes mostly < 1.5 mm long and wide | |
25 Plants dioecious, either male or female; heads either staminate, with 10-50 flowers, or pistillate, with 20-150 flowers | |
27 Leaves lanceolate to ovate (broadest below the midpoint); leaf margins entire to coarsely toothed. | |
28 Heads in leafy, paniculate arrays; leaf blades coarsely dentate, 0.5-4 cm long; shrubs to 12 dm tall; [c. and e. TX] | |
28 Heads borne in leafless, corymbiform arrays; leaf blades entire to denticulate, 5-16 (-20) cm long; shrubs to 40 dm tall; [FL and s. TX] | |
29 Leaf blades elliptic, acute to acuminate at the apex; leaf blade strongly bicolored above and below, the upper surface dark green and glabrate, the lower surface densely and finely tomentose and strongly whitened, the upper surface dark green and glabrate or glabrous; disc flowers 4-25 per head; [s. TX] |
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1 Pappus present, of 5-60 barbellate bristles; receptacle naked (without paleae or well-developed bristles); [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Eupatoriae]. | |
2 Plant stiffly erect to sprawling but never twining, phyllaries and disk florets usually > 4 per head. | |
11 Phyllaries not strongly imbricate, with the principal ones subequal and sub-biseriate; petioles 0.5-10 cm | |
11 Phyllaries clearly imbricate, in 3+ series, the margins usually glandular; some species epetiolate | |
1 Pappus either absent, or of scales, setae, or awns; receptacle naked, paleate, or bearing bristles. | |
16 Leaves petiolate; corolla tube glabrous, typically blue or lavender colored (sometimes white tinged); heads with 20-125 florets; [naturalized exotics or s. FL native] | |
16 Leaves sessile; corolla tube glandular-pubescent, typically white colored (sometimes pink-purple tinged); heads with 75-125 florets; [s. TX native] | |
15 Heads with 10-30 florets (or fewer in Schkuhria); leaves entire; [natives, of FL, s. GA, MS, and TX in our area]; [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Chaenactidinae]. | |
19 Heads bright yellow, closely aggregated into corymbiform arrays of flat-topped to dome-shaped glomerules | |
20 Heads in paniculiform arrays, all or most of the heads not subtended by bracts | |
21 Heads small, less than 1 cm in diameter at anthesis (the female heads enlarging in Xanthium); disc florets dull white or suffused with green or purple; florets mainly unisexual (either in the same heads and then males central and females peripheral, or in separate female and male heads); female florets 0-8 per head; [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Ambrosiinae] | |
22 Heads unisexual; cypselas shed within an indurated bur or “nut” with hooked or straight spines developed from the phyllaries and/or paleae. | |
23 Involucre of the female heads with tubercles or straight spines developing from the phyllaries; burs 1-8 mm long | |
23 Involucre of the female heads with hooked spines developing from the phyllaries/paleae; burs 10-35 mm long | |
22 Heads bisexual, with functionally male and female flowers in the same head; cypselas shed individually, not enclosed. | |
24 Heads in paniculiform arrays, all or most of the heads not subtended by bracts | |
26 Disc flowers bright yellow or reddish-brown. | |
27 Involucre of phyllaries subtended by a calyculus of bracts obviously different in color, texture, and shape than the phyllaries. | |
27 Involucre of phyllaries not subtended by a calyculus (phyllaries sometimes in 2+ series, but without obvious calyculi below). | |
29 Plants erect; heads without ray florets; [wet pine savannas and bogs; FL panhandle] | |
26 Disc flowers bright white or pale yellow. | |
30 Stems not winged; plants erect or spreading. | |