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Key to Dipsacaceae

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1 Stem and leaves (midvein on the undersurface) prickly; flower heads (capitula) ovoid to cylindrical in flower and in fruit, (15-) 30-90 mm long; involucral bracts subtending the flower heads ascending to spreading, stiff, elongate, and attenuate, the longer > 30 mm long
1 Stem and leaves not prickly; flower heads hemispheric to almost flat in flower, hemispheric to ovoid or globose in fruit; involucral bracts subtending the flower heads spreading to reflexed, herbaceous, acute to subacute, 5-20 mm long.
  2 Corolla 5-lobed; epicalyx (involucel) expanded upwards and appearing as a corona (a membranous, veined funnel); flowers unequal in size, those near the edge of the head distinctly larger than those near the center of the head
    3 Corona (the expanded epicalyx) 16-24-veined; bracts of the receptacle (each associated with a flower) pale green, with a brown tip
    3 Corona (the expanded epicalyx) 8-veined; bracts of the receptacle (each associated with a flower) whitish, with a green tip
  2 Corolla 4-lobed or 4-angled; epicalyx (involucel) expanded at apex, but not membranous; flowers equal or unequal in size within each head.
      4 Calyx without bristles and only slightly toothed
      4 Calyx with 4-5 or 8 or more teeth or bristles.
        5 Calyx teeth 8 or more; receptacle hairy-bristly, lacking a receptacular bract associated with each flower; flowers unequal in size within each head, the outer flowers distinctly larger than those near the center of the head
        5 Calyx teeth 4 or 5; receptacle with a receptacular bract associated with each flower; flowers equal in size within each head