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No key was found for the requested taxon, but it has only one child: Edrastima uniflora. Showing where it is keyed below.

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Key to Oldenlandia

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1 Creeping, mat-forming perennial, rooting at nodes; leaves 1.5-5.2 mm long; flowers solitary on slender axillary pedicels; seeds 4-14 per capsule; [genus indet., possibly Anotis, or perhaps more broadly in Spermacoce]
1 Erect, spreading, decumbent, or prostrate annual or perennial, not rooting at nodes; leaves 3-40 mm long; flowers 1-10, in axillary clusters or pedunculate umbels; seeds > 50 per capsule.
  2 Flowers (1) 2-5 in pedunculate axillary umbels, the filiform peduncle 5-10 mm long, the filiform pedicels 3-5 mm long; [genus Oldenlandia]
  2 Flowers 1-10 in sessile or subsessile axillary clusters.
    3 Stem glabrous or nearly so; leaves mostly linear or linear-oblanceolate, 1-3 mm wide, generally 5-10× as long as wide; flowers solitary or (rarely) in 2-3-flowered clusters; plant a perennial; [genus indet.]
    3 Stem pilose or villous (rarely glabrous); leaves mostly ovate or broadly lanceolate, 4-10 mm wide, generally 2-3× as long as wide; flowers in compact clusters of 3-10, rarely solitary; plant an annual