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Key to Amaranthaceae

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1 Leaves mostly or entirely alternate (the lower sometimes opposite).
  2 Flowers unisexual (plants either monoecious or dioecious); utricles 1-seeded
  2 Flowers bisexual (plants hermaphroditic); utricles (2) 3+-seeded
1 Leaves opposite.
    3 Flowers unisexual (plants dioecious); inflorescences terminal, diffuse panicles
    3 Flowers bisexual (plants hermaphroditic); inflorescences axillary or terminal, either glomerules or dense spikes.
      4 Inflorescences pedunculate simple or compound spikes, elongate, at least 2× as long as broad.
      4 Inflorescences sessile or pedunculate, globose or cylindric heads, < 2× as long as broad.
          6 Inflorescences either sessile and axillary (subtended by a single leaf) or pedunculate (without any leaves immediately subtending the head)
             7 Inflorescences many-flowered spike-like heads; pseudostaminodes present
             7 Inflorescences few-flowered glomerules; pseudostaminodes absent
          6 Inflorescences terminal, with a pair of leaves immediately subtending the head.