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Key to Verbesina
3 Internodes winged; [collectively widespread]. | |
3 Internodes not winged; [collectively of sw. GA, s. AL, FL Panhandle, and TX]. | |
5 Ray flowers (5-) 11-13+, yellow; heads 1-20. | |
7 Heads few, 1-15 (-20) in a compact inflorescence; disc 7-16 mm wide at anthesis; ray flowers (5-) 7-15, yellow; plants 5-12 dm tall | |
7 Heads numerous, 10-200+ in a dense to open inflorescence; disc 3-15 mm wide at anthesis; ray flowers either absent, or 1-5 and white, or 2-10 and yellow; plants 10-40 dm tall. | |
11 Lower and middle leaves pinnately lobed or dissected; achenes of ray florets glabrous; [of the outer Coastal Plain from SC southward] | |
Key to Asteraceae, Key L: Herbaceous composites with the leaves alternate or basal and the heads radiate, the rays white, pink, purple, and the 0 pappus
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1 Rays primarily pink or purple, not white-tinged (flowers viewed from above, adaxial surface of the rays). | |
5 Leaves entire or toothed, but not deeply pinnatisect; sometimes with smaller rounded lobes (Leucanthemum basal leaves can have deeper, round lobes); plants usually not aromatic. | |
6 Stems not winged. | |
9 Flowering heads smaller, arranged in corymbiform or paniculiform arrays; ray florets with diminuitive laminae (0.3-5.0 mm long), heads thus sometimes superficially appearing disciform (rays sometimes double in horticultural forms as in Achillea ptarmica) | |
10 Plants not aromatic; leaves variously shaped, at least some usually lyrate or oblanceolate (not all linear), the surfaces hairy and gland-dotted (at least abaxially); pales distally pappilate or fimbriate; cypselae shed along with subtending phyllary and 2 disc florets each invested in a pale; [tribe Heliantheae] | |
9 Flowering heads larger, singular on scapes (if in 2's or 3's, these large and not in broad corymbiform arrays), rays prominent, the laminae usually > 10 mm long | |
11 Rays white abaxially (drying pinkish); receptacles broadly convex, not pitted; plants rhizomatous perennials; pappus absent; [tribe Anthemideae] | |
11 Rays white or with prominent blue or purple midstripe (sometimes present after drying); receptacles conic, pitted; plants tap-rooted annuals (except Astranthium riddellii); pappus absent, coroniform, or of scales; [tribe Astereae] | |
12 Phyllaries scarious margined; cypselae 4-angled and with 4-12 thick ribs, pappus absent, of scales or coroniform; ray florets closing distally at night | |
12 Phyllaries sometimes hyaline but not scarious margined; cypselae compressed, lacking prominent ribs (though sometimes glochidiate), pappus absent or short coroniform; ray florets not closing at night | |
5 Leaves deeply lobed or pinnatisect, the ultimate segments linear or if rounded, the sinuses of the lobes nearly reaching the midrib (pinnatifid); plants typically aromatic (except Tripleurospermum and Parthenium); [tribe Anthemideae]. | |
14 Stems not winged. | |
16 Flowering heads smaller, arranged in corymbiform or paniculiform arrays; ray florets with diminuitive laminae (0.3-5.0 mm long); ray and disc florets both white or white-ish. | |
16 Flowering heads larger, arranged mostly singular at the ends of scapes, not in broad corymbiform arrays (except Tripleurospermum, which has larger heads and prominent rays), ray laminae prominent; ray and disc florets differing in color (rays typically white; discs typically yellow). | |
13 Receptacles epaleate (lacking chaff). | |
19 Ultimate leaf lobes linear. | |