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Key to Lythraceae
1 Plant woody or suffrutescent, a shrub or a small tree 1-10 m tall; petals present, showy, 8-20 mm long. | |
2 Terrestrial shrubs or small trees with erect woody stems; leaves alternate to subopposite; [exotics cultivated and sometimes persistent]. | |
3 Stems unarmed; flowers in many-flowered terminal or axillary cymose panicles; fruit a loculicidal capsule, the seeds unilaterally winged (wings growing from one side) | |
1 Plant not woody, an herb 0.1-1.2 m tall; petals absent or present, inconspicuous or showy, 1-10 mm long. | |
6 Floral tube (hypanthium) swollen obliquely at its base; capsule dehiscing longitudinally along the upper surface | |
5 Stems glabrous. | |
8 Flowers or fruits solitary in the leaf axils (never > 1 per axil). | |
9 Capsule indehiscent; petals 0; sepals 4, broadly triangular, lacking intersepalary appendages; seeds spatulate or oblanceolate, about 1 mm long, minutely granular on one face and smooth on the other | |
9 Capsule dehiscing septicidally; petals 0 or 4; sepals 4 (-6), triangular, with intersepalary appendages of size about equal to the calyx lobes; seeds hemispheric, about 0.3 mm long, the surface very finely reticulate |