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Key to Saxifragaceae

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1 Leaves compound
1 Leaves simple (sometimes cleft or lobed).
  2 Stem creeping, the leaves all cauline, opposite; leaves short-petioled or sessile, < 2 cm long
  2 Stem erect, the leaves mostly or entirely basal, alternate (stem leaves opposite in Mitella); leaves long-petioled, > 4 cm long (except short-petioled or sessile and sometimes < 4 cm long in Micranthes).
    3 Basal leaves short-petioled or sessile, the petioles 0-1× as long as the blade; basal leaves cuneate or rounded at the base; leaf venation predominately pinnate.
      4 Leaves deeply trilobed
    3 Basal leaves long-petioled, the petioles (1-) 2-5× as long as the blade; basal leaves cordate at the base; leaf venation predominantly palmate.
        5 Petals fimbriate; inflorescence a raceme; flowers on pedicels 1-2 (-5) mm long
        5 Petals not fimbriate; inflorescence a panicle or raceme; flowers mostly on pedicels > 3 mm long.
          6 Flowers strongly bilaterally (or irregularly) symmetrical; [non-native, waif from cultivation; "Strawberry-begonia"]
          6 Flowers radially symmetrical; [native, some species also cultivated]
               8 Seeds winged, 1.3-1.5 mm long; leaves cleft < ½ way to base; hypanthium fused to the pistils only at their bases; stems normally with several petiolate leaves much like the basal leaves (though typically somewhat smaller)
               8 Seeds papillose, echinate, smooth, or slightly ridged, 0.4-0.7 mm long; leaves cleft > ½ way to base (in Boykinia) or < ½ way (in Heuchera); hypanthium fused to the lower half or more of the pistils; stems with (in Boykinia) or without (in Heuchera) several petiolate leaves.
                 9 Stems normally with several petiolate leaves much like the basal leaves (though typically somewhat smaller); ovary with 2 locules; leaves cleft > ½ way to base
                 9 Stems with only very reduced sessile bracts unlike the basal leaves; ovary with 1 locule; leaves cleft < ½ way to base