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Key to Terminalia

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1 Larger leaf blades 1-9 cm long, abaxial domatia absent; calyx lobes scarsely developed (persistent at apex of fruit); fruit 5-10 mm long (sometimes fruit viviparous); [native or uncertain nativity].
  2 Stems bearing few to no thorns (or only on younger plants); spikes 3-19 cm long, ca. 1/2 of which occupied by flowers in a more spike-like cluster; drupes 4-8 (-10) mm long
  2 Stems bearing numerous thorns (on young and mature plants); spikes 1-4 cm long, the flowers clustered apically in an almost umbel-like cluster 0.2-1 cm long; drupes 3-4 (-6) mm long
1 Larger leaf blades 8-35 cm long, abaxial domatia absent or present as pits or hair-tufts within primary and secondary vein axils; calyx lobes well developed; fruit 10-70 mm long (fruit not viviparous); [non-natives]
    3 Apex of petiole or leaf base lacking with extrafloral nectaries; fruit strongly winged [waif]
    3 Petiole and leaf base lacking extrafloral nectaries; fruit strongly or poorly winged; [uncommon non-natives].
      4 Leaf blades 16-35 cm long, with abaxial pit domatia, 9-15 cm wide, the bases often truncate to auriculate; drupes 3.5-7 cm long, with 2 well-developed ridges
      4 Leaf blades 8-18 cm long, with abaxial domatia in tufts of hair, the bases cuneate; drupes 1.2-2 cm long, with 2 poorly-developed ridges