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Key to Pelazoneuron

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1 Rhizomes erect (leaves clustered); scales at base of petioles ovate, glabrous
1 Rhizomes long- to short-creeping; scales at base of petioles lanceolate, usually hairy.
  2 Upper surface of the costae and costules with at least a few stout hairs > 0.3 mm long; upper leaf surface pubescent to nearly glabrous, also glandular with stipitate glands.
  2 Upper surface of the costae and costules glabrous above (rarely minutely hairy, the hairs never > 0.2 mm long), eglandular
    3 Apical portion of blade similar to the lateral pinnae; pinnae < 2 cm wide
    3 Apical portion of blade attenuated, different from the lateral pinnae; pinnae 0.4-4.8 cm wide.
      4 Basal segments of pinnae near base of blade not elongate and not parallel to the rachis, or only those facing the apex of the rachis elongate and enlarged; vein undersurfaces with few to many scales
      4 Basal segments of pinnae near base of blade slightly elongate and parallel to rachis; vein undersurfaces lacking scales or nearly so.
        5 Scales few, very narrow, on the lower surface of the costae; leaf blade surface minutely pubescent (or glabrous on the upper surface); scales of petiole bases and rhizomes tan
        5 Scales usually absent on the lower surface of the costae; leaf blade surface glabrous on the upper surface; scales of petiole bases and rhizomes brown