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Key to Clematis, Key A: Clematis reticulata complex

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1 Plants an erect-ascending herb in flower, becoming scandent in late season; primary inflorescences always terminal, solitary, ebracteate (occasional axillary and bracteate in late season); proximal-most leaflets (those closest to the stem) of mid-stem leaves sessile or short-petiolulate, the petiolules 3.1-9.4 (-10.3) mm long; [endemic to the Pine Mountain Ridges of wc. GA]
1 Plants vining in habit throughout season; primary inflorescences axillary; proximal-most leaflets (those closest to the stem) of mid-stem leaves usually long-petiolulate, the petiolules (5.5-) 16.9-22.7 (-49.0) mm long.
  2 Ratio of peduncle to combined peduncle and pedicel (0.20-) 0.35-0.41 (-0.70), foliaceous bracts appearing elevated on inflorescence; ratio of sepal length to sepal width (2.1-) 2.8-3.2 (-4.6); [east of the Mississippi River, from sc. TN southwards to SC, GA, FL, AL, and MS].
    3 Leaflets distinctly coriaceous with dense network of raised reticulate venation, average areole area small, (0.19-) 0.37-0.44 (-0.84) mm2; widest adaxial leaflet veins (not including mid-vein) (0.09-) 0.13-0.15 (-0.28) mm wide; leaflet apices usually rounded to broadly acute; sepal trichomes short with longest trichomes (0.27-) 0.32-0.39 (-0.47) mm long; achene rim (sum of both ends) to achene width ratio (0.22-) 0.26-0.32 (-0.38); [lower Coastal Plain of AL, FL, GA, MS, SC]
    3 Leaflets distinctly membranaceous to subcoriaceous, average areole area large (0.36-) 0.61-0.94 (-2.69) mm2, raised reticulate venation forming a sparsely concentrated network; widest adaxial leaflet veins (not including mid-vein) (0.04-) 0.07-0.09 (-0.14) mm wide; leaflet apices acute to acuminate, rarely rounded; sepal trichomes puberulent with longest trichomes (0.45-) 0.52-0.66 (-0.84) mm long; achene rim (sum of both ends) to achene width ratio (0.30-) 0.32-0.46 (-0.50); [n. and c. AL (mostly north of the Alabama River), wc. GA, ne. MS, and extreme sc. TN]
  2 Ratio of peduncle to combined peduncle and pedicel (0.02-) 0.07-0.10 (-0.20), foliaceous bracts appearing basal or near-basal on inflorescence; ratio of sepal length to sepal width (1.8-) 2.2-2.6 (-3.6); [either west of the Mississippi River or in c. and ec. TN].
      4 Leaflet undersurface usually densely puberulent (occasionally glabrous or sparsely puberulent); leaflets elliptic-oblong to rotund, occasionally ovate, with generally rounded apices; leaflets coriaceous; raised reticulate venation forming a densely concentrated network, the average closed areole area (0.19-) 0.33-0.46 (-1.22) mm2; widest adaxial leaflet veins (not including the midvein) (0.07-) 0.11-0.14 (-0.21) mm wide; [West Gulf Coastal Plain of sw. AR, w. LA, and e. TX]
      4 Leaflet undersurface glabrate to moderately pubescent; leaflets lanceolate to ovate, never rotund or elliptic-oblong, generally with distinctly acute or acuminate apices, rarely rounded; leaflets membranaceous to subcoriaceous; raised reticulate venation forming a sparsely concentrated network, average closed areole area (0.59-) 0.98-1.21 (-2.4) / mm2; widest adaxial leaflet veins (not including the midvein) (0.03-) 0.06-0.08 (-0.12) mm wide; [inland sedimentary rock provinces: Ouachita Mountains of sw. AR and se. OK, or Cumberland/Eastern Highland Rim/Central Basin of ec. TN].
        5 Primary pedicels long, (38-) 58.5-104.0 (-180.3) mm long, held erect above leaflets of corresponding node when in flower and fruit; longest sepal trichomes (0.25-) 0.28-0.40 (-0.47) mm long; sepal base color light vibrant pink to purple; achene length to width ratio 1.1-1.5 (1.9); achene tail hairs dark yellowish brown to coppery brown; [Cumberland/Eastern Highland Rim/Central Basin of ec. TN]
        5 Primary pedicels short, (16.2-) 13.5-38.0 (-69.19) mm long and pendulous, hanging below leaflets of corresponding node when in flower (erect in fruit); longest sepal trichomes 0.51-0.66 (-0.69) mm long; sepal base color dark purple to faded lilac; achene length to width ratio 1.0-1.2; achene tail hairs white to yellow; [Ouachita Mountains of sw. AR and se. OK]