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Key to Poaceae, Key G: wheat grasses of tribe Triticeae (and a few unrelated mimics)

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1 Spikelets 2-7 at all or most nodes; [tribe Triticeae].
  2 Spikelets 2-5 at each node (if 3, all 3 sessile).
  2 Spikelets 3 at each node (the central spikelets usually sessile, the lateral pedicellate)
1 Spikelets 1 at all or most nodes (occasionally in pairs at lowest nodes).
    3 Spikelets borne on peduncles 0.5-2 mm long; [tribe Brachypodieae]
    3 Spikelets sessile.
      4 Spikelets (not including the awns) > 3× as long as the rachis internodes, strongly divergent (at nearly 90° to the rachis); [very rare exotic]; [tribe Triticeae]
      4 Spikelets (not including the awns) < 3× as long as the rachis internodes.
        5 Glumes subulate to narrowly lanceolate or linear, narrowing from below midlength, with 1 vein throughout or at least distally (sometimes 1-3 veins at midlength in Pascopyrum); [tribe Triticeae]
          6 Awns long, 12-26 (-35) mm; glumes keeled; spikelets with 2 (-3) florets
          6 Awns short, 5 mm or less in length; glumes not keeled; spikelets with 2-12 florets
        5 Glumes broader, narrowing from beyond midlength, with 3-9 veins at midlength.
             7 Spikelets placed edgewise to the rachis; first glume lacking except in the terminal spikelet; [tribe Poeae]
             7 Spikelets placed flatwise to the rachis; first glume present; [tribe Triticeae].
               8 Plants annuals; glumes often with lateral teeth or awns; glumes rounded or keeled; [exotics, rare out of cultivation].
                 9 Glumes rounded; spikelets in some species embedded into the thickened rachis
                 9 Glumes keeled; spikelets never embedded in a thickened rachis
               8 Plants perennials; glumes without lateral teeth or awns; glumes keeled; [natives or exotics].
                   10 Glumes acute to acuminate (and often awned); [common natives and exotics]