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Key to Hypericaceae

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1 Petals yellow; stamens fascicled or not, if fascicled then not into 3 fascicles of 3 stamens each; staminodia (hypogynous glands) lacking; perianth 4-5-merous.
1 Petals pale pink; stamens fascicled, in 3 fascicles of 3 stamens each; staminodia (hypogynous glands) present, alternating with the fascicles of stamens; perianth 5-merous

Key to Hypericum

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Show caption*© Sonnia Hill
1 Petals pale pink; stamens fascicled, in 3 fascicles of 3 stamens each; staminodia (hypogynous glands) present, alternating with the fascicles of stamens; perianth 5-merous
image of plant
Show caption*© Alan M. Cressler
1 Petals yellow; stamens fascicled or not, if fascicled then not into 3 fascicles of 3 stamens each; staminodia (hypogynous glands) lacking; perianth 4-5-merous.
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Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
  2 Leaves with an articulation at the very base, this appearing as a narrow line, groove, or abrupt change of color and texture which extends across the petiole; shrubs; [section Myriandra].
    3 Leaves needle-like, 0.5-1.5 (-2) mm wide, the margins essentially parallel (H. galioides keyed here and below); [subsection Centrosperma]
    3 Leaves, at least the largest on the plant, not needle-like, wider than 2 mm, the margins not parallel, the widest point often beyond the middle.
      4 Petals 4; sepals 4 (rarely 2); plant 5-100 cm tall; leaves 2-40 mm long; foliage bluish-green when fresh; [subsection Ascyrum]
      4 Petals 5; sepals 5; plant 50-250 cm tall; leaves (10-) 20-70 mm long; foliage green when fresh; [subsections Centrosperma and Brathydium]
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
  2 Leaves without an articulation at the very base, the petiole merging gradually into the stem with no break, groove, or abrupt change in color or texture; herb, decumbent shrub, or shrub.
        5 Leaves spreading or ascending, generally multi-nerved, > 1 mm wide; inflorescence a dichasial cyme; herbs or shrubs.
          6 Leaves 1.5-5 cm wide; shrubs; [exotics persistent and sparingly naturalizing from horticultural cultivation]
             7 Flowers 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter; fruit a fleshy berry, bright red turning black; sepals longer than the petals, spreading to reflexed in fruit; stems normally branching at the base and above
             7 Flowers 5-9.5 cm in diameter; fruit a dry, dehiscent capsule, green turning tan; sepals shorter than the petals, ascending in fruit; stems usually unbranched (clonal from creeping rhizomes)
          6 Leaves < 1.5 cm wide; shrubs, subshrubs, suffrutescent herbs, and herbs; [natives and exotics, collectively common and widespread]
               8 Capsule 5-locular; stamens connate basally into 5 fascicles; [section Roscyna]
               8 Capsule 1-locular or 3 (-4) locular; stamens separate, connate basally into 3 or 5 fascicles, or connate but not into fascicles.
                 9 Capsule 1-locular; stamens separate or connate at the base, but not grouped into fascicles; leaves with translucent glandular dots, without black glandular dots (when backlit); sepals and petals with translucent glandular lines or dots only, not also marked with black glandular dots or lines.
                   10 Shrubs, decumbent shrubs, or suffruticose herbs; [section Myriandra, subsections Brathydium, Pseudobrathydium, and Suturosperma]