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Key to Gonolobus

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1 Pubescence of internodes in 2 lines; calyx colleters 2 per sinus, calyx lobes 1.3-2 mm wide; corolline corona (faucal annulus) with unicellular hairs 0.1-0.3 mm long; follicles broadly ovoid to suborbicular, < 2× as long as wide; [exotic waif in s. FL]
1 Pubescence of internodes general, not in lines; calyx colleters 1 per sinus, calyx lobes 0.2-1 mm wide; corolline corona (faucal annulus) glabrous; follicles ovoid, > 2× as long as wide; [widespread and native in our region].
  2 Upper surface of corolla lobes uniformly colored, olive green at anthesis, glabrous; laminar dorsal anther appendage yellow, apex rounded or truncate; [c. KY, e. TN, nw. AL westward]
  2 Upper surface of corolla lobes multi-colored, generally dark maroon to brownish near the base and green to yellowish near the tips at anthesis (or uniformly yellowish-green to neon green in rare mutants), pubescent or glabrous; laminar dorsal anther appendage darkly purplish or maroonish tinted, apex bilobed to emarginate; [se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. MS and inland to nw. GA; very rarely west of the Mississippi River (in AR)]