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Key to Torilis
1 Rays reduced or absent, < 5 mm long, the inflorescence therefore compact, appearing like a head; inflorescences opposite the leaves, on peduncles 0-1 (-2) cm long; central schizocarps in each umbellet with both mericarps tuberculate; peripheral schizocarps in each umbellet with only the outer mericarp spiny | |
1 Rays and pedicels well-developed, > 5 mm long, the inflorescence therefore open, distinctly and obviously an umbel; inflorescences opposite the leaves and terminal, on peduncles (1-) 3-16 cm long; schizocarps with both mericarps spiny or sometimes with 1 mericarp tuberculate. | |
2 Involucral bracts 5-6, generally 1 per ray; mericarps with more or less conspicuous green dorsal ribs, the ribs glabrous or with a few scattered hairs not obscuring the ribs | |
2 Involucral bracts 0-1 (-3); mature mericarp with inconspicuous dorsal ribs, which are obscured by lines of white hairs similar to those on pedicels. | |