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Key to Euphorbia, Key A: subgenus Chamaesyce, section Anisophyllum, subsection Hypericifoliae {add to Key A: E. blodgettii, E. hypericifolia, E. mesembrianthemifolia, E. ophthalmica, E. serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia}

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1 Leaves serrulate, at least at the apex (use 10× magnification); seeds with 2-4 transverse ridges WHICH TAXA BELOW 1A have smooth seeds?
  2 Leaves and stems glabrous.
    3 Seeds with 3-4 (-6) prominent transverse ridges that interrupt abaxial keel; cyathia glands red to purple (sometimes yellow on older cyathia); stems prostrate; [s. IN and c. TN westward, primarily w. of MS river]
    3 Seeds with faint ridges, not interrupting abaxial keel; cyathia glands green, brown, or yellow to pink (lacking a darkened red or purple coloration).
      4 Stems erect to ascending (the tips not drooping)
      4 Stems prostrate to ascending, drooping at tips or plants mat-forming.
        5 Staminate flowers 2-5; seeds 0.9-1.0 mm long, minutely beaded with 3-4 transerve ridges that do not interrupt abaxial keel; [coastal LA and TX only]
        5 Staminate flowers 5-20; seeds 1.0-1.4 mm long, smooth, dimpled, or rugose; [scattered in our area, widespread in w. US]
  2 Leaves and stems variously pubescent.
               8 Stipules irregularly lacerate, ca. 0.5 mm long (sometimes to 1.0 mm); stems erect to ascending, the hairs (at least sparsely) pilose proximally and glabrous distally; seeds with 2-3 prominent transverse ridges, sometimes reticulate-pitted; [native SC s. to FL, w. through TX; waif northwards]
               8 Stipules triangular, or laciniate-subulate into filiform segments; stems prostrate or erect to ascending, the hairs usually spreading hirsute, strigillose or pilose (not just proximally); seeds rugulose, sometimes also bearing low transverse ridges; [VA w. to IL northward]
             7 Stipules distinct (or only basally connate on one side of the stem in E. nutans).
                 9 Leaf blade surfaces papillate, often also with at least some long thin hairs; cocci of capsule often elongated, distally empty; [TX]
                 9 Leaf blade surfaces not papillate, pilose, villous, sericeous, or glabrous; cocci of capsule not elongated nor distally empty; [collectively widespread].
                   10 Stipules usually distinct, sometimes connate on one side of stem; capsules 1.9-2.3 mm long; stems ascending or suberect, puberulent when young; adaxial surface of leaf blade often red-mottled; [widespread throughout our area]
                   10 Stipules distinct or connate (if connate, on both sides of stem); capsules 1.4-1.8 mm long; stems prostrate or widely spreading, spreading-hirsute [VA w. to IL northward]
          6 Ovaries and capsules variously pubescent.
                     11 Stipules connate (sometimes only on one side of the stem).
                          13 Stipules usually distinct, rarely connate at base, if divided the segments deltate to linear-subulate; capsules and ovaries with whitish hairs; staminate flowers 2-8; seeds 0.7-0.9 mm long, usually rugulose or with 3-6 low transverse ridges; [widespread]
                          13 Stipules distinct when young, connate into a deltate scale when older, erose or laciniate with dark glands at the base or along the margins; capsules and ovaries with yellowish hairs; staminate flowers 15-25; seeds 1.2-1.3 mm long, with 3-5 shallow depressions separated by low, inconspicuous ridges; [c. and s. FL only]
                            14 Capsules with conspicuous glabrous areas between pubescent keels.
                              15 Seeds smooth or with faint transverse ridges, reddish-brown, orange, or grayish-pink colored; plant pubescence variously sericeous, pilose, or villous; staminate flowers 6-15; [s. FL only]
                              15 Seeds with sharp transverse ridges, white with concealed brown color beneath the seed surface; plant pubescence crisped-villous; staminate flowers 3-6; [widespread, including s. FL]
                            14 Capsules uniformly pubescent, not with conspicuous glabrous areas between keels.
                                       19 Capsules usually glabrous between pubescent keels (the pubescence most conspicuous only on the keels).
                                         20 Seeds smooth or with faint transverse ridges, reddish-brown, orange, or grayish-pink colored; plant pubescence variously sericeous, pilose, or villous; staminate flowers 6-15; [s. FL only]
                                         20 Seeds with sharp transverse ridges, white with concealed brown color beneath the seed surface; plant pubescence crisped-villous; staminate flowers 3-6; [widespread, including s. FL]
                                       19 Capsules uniformly pubescent, not with conspicuous glabrous areas between keels.
                                           21 Cyathia clustered, or in dichotomously branched axillary inflorescences. [THIS CHARACTER NEEDS VALIDATION OR RE-WORDING, TEST IN HERBARIUM]
                                               23 Plants with coarse pubescence, the stem trichomes consisting of larger yellow and smaller white types; stipules usually distinct, rarely connate at base (if divided the segments deltate to linear-subulate); gland appendages sometimes absent or diminuitive; staminate flowers 2-8; seeds 0.7-0.9 mm long, usually rugulose or with 3-6 low transverse ridges; [widespread]
                                               23 Plants with fine pubescence, the stem trichomes only of one white type; stipules distinct when young, connate into a deltate scale when older, erose or laciniate with dark glands at the base or along the margins; gland appendages present; staminate flowers 15-25; seeds 1.2-1.3 mm long, with 3-5 shallow depressions separated by low, inconspicuous ridges; [c. and s. FL only]
                                           21 Cyathia solitary in the leaf axils, or in reduced unbranched axillary inflorescences. [THIS CHARACTER NEEDS VALIDATION OR RE-WORDING, TEST IN HERBARIUM]
                                                 24 Gland appendages (the petaloid portion of the cyathia) conspicuously unequal in length, at least one or two shorter than the remaining appendages; plants mat-forming (E. thymifolia) or not (only occasionally in E. pergamena); [FL].
                                                    25 Plants not mat-forming (only occasionally in E. pergamena), stems prostate to ascending; glands lunate (crescent-shaped) or reniform (kidney-shaped); ovary puberulent, sericeous, or pilose; staminate flowers 5-15; [intact sites, occasionally disturbed].
                                                      26 Plants annual with taproots, the stems 10-45 cm long, pilose; leaves sometimes revolute; capsules pilose; seeds orange-brown, glaucous; staminate flowers 5-8; [pine rocklands, marl prairies, or disturbed uplands]
                                                      26 Plants perennial with thickened rootstocks, the stems 5-18 cm long, sericeous on upper surface and glabrous on lower surface; leaves not revolute; capsules puberulent, sericeous, or strigillose; seeds whitish to gray; staminate flowers 15; [pine rocklands]
                                                 24 Gland appendages ± equal in length; plants usually mat-forming; [collectively widespread, including FL].
                                                        27 Plants perennial with strongly thickened and lignified roostocks; staminate flowers 8-12; [s. TX only]
                                                        27 Plants annual with taproots (or sometimes taprooted perennials in E. thymifolia); staminate flowers 2-5; [collectively widespread in our area].
                                                            29 Leaves (the larger ones at least) usually conspicuously serrate, smaller leaves serrulate; seeds 0.7-0.9 mm long; styles slender; [FL]
1 Leaves absolutely entire; seeds smooth, variously rugose or wrinkled, or bearing 2-4+ distinct transverse ridges.
                                                              30 Stems and leaves variously pubescent, at least on the upper stem surface (except E. deltoidea ssp. deltoidea, which can be pubescent to glabrous on both sides).
                                                                 31 Capsules uniformly pubescent throughout (sparsely pubescent to glabrous in E. deltoidea ssp. deltoidea, but lacking the conspicuous contrast between keels and inter-keel space described above); plants perennial; [widespread, including TX].
                                                                                  39 Capsules glabrous or variously pubescent (canescent in E. deltoidea ssp. serpyllum); glands green to yellow-green or pinkish colored; the appendages either absent, forming a narrow ring, or present; [s. FL]
                                                                                             44 Leaf margins green; plants annual, or sometimes perennial with a slightly thickened rootstock (E. blodgettii); [widespread, including TX].
                                                                                                                  54 Mature seeds bluntly 3-4 angled in cross-section, 0.9-1.4 (-1.7) mm long (except E. missurica, with seeds 1.5-2.0 mm long, but with leaves conspicuously linear); leaves fleshy or not.
                                                                                                                       56 Seeds ashy white with a brown longitudinal line on adaxial surface, 1.1-1.4 (-1.7) mm long; leaf bases angled or rounded, with one side of the leaf base often expanded into a small rounded auricle; [s. IL to TX, westward]
                                                                                                                  54 Mature seeds rounded in cross section, (1.3-) 1.5-2.6 mm long; leaves often somewhat fleshy; [coastal only, barrier island dunes and other sandy coastal habitats].
                                                                                                                         57 Mature seeds (2.0-) 2.2-2.6 mm long; styles 0.7–1 mm; [preferring pioneer habitat in front of foredunes and along upper beach areas, FL Atlantic n. to Long Island in our area]