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Key to Euphorbia, Key A: subgenus Chamaesyce, section Anisophyllum, subsection Hypericifoliae {add to Key A: E. blodgettii, E. hypericifolia, E. mesembrianthemifolia, E. ophthalmica, E. serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia}
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1 Leaves serrulate, at least at the apex (use 10× magnification); seeds with 2-4 transverse ridges
WHICH TAXA BELOW 1A have smooth seeds? | |
2 Leaves and stems glabrous. | |
2 Leaves and stems variously pubescent. | |
8 Stipules irregularly lacerate, ca. 0.5 mm long (sometimes to 1.0 mm); stems erect to ascending, the hairs (at least sparsely) pilose proximally and glabrous distally; seeds with 2-3 prominent transverse ridges, sometimes reticulate-pitted; [native SC s. to FL, w. through TX; waif northwards] | |
8 Stipules triangular, or laciniate-subulate into filiform segments; stems prostrate or erect to ascending, the hairs usually spreading hirsute, strigillose or pilose (not just proximally); seeds rugulose, sometimes also bearing low transverse ridges; [VA w. to IL northward] | |
12 Stems erect to ascending. | |
13 Stipules distinct when young, connate into a deltate scale when older, erose or laciniate with dark glands at the base or along the margins; capsules and ovaries with yellowish hairs; staminate flowers 15-25; seeds 1.2-1.3 mm long, with 3-5 shallow depressions separated by low, inconspicuous ridges; [c. and s. FL only] | |
12 Stems prostrate. | |
15 Seeds smooth or with faint transverse ridges, reddish-brown, orange, or grayish-pink colored; plant pubescence variously sericeous, pilose, or villous; staminate flowers 6-15; [s. FL only] | |
15 Seeds with sharp transverse ridges, white with concealed brown color beneath the seed surface; plant pubescence crisped-villous; staminate flowers 3-6; [widespread, including s. FL] | |
17 Capsules strigose to sericeous; involucral gland appendages unequal; staminate flowers 3-5; [LA and FL] | |
17 Capsules pilose to villous; involucral gland appendages ± equal in size (or absent); staminate flowers 8-12; [s. TX] | |
11 Stipules distinct. | |
19 Capsules usually glabrous between pubescent keels (the pubescence most conspicuous only on the keels). | |
20 Seeds smooth or with faint transverse ridges, reddish-brown, orange, or grayish-pink colored; plant pubescence variously sericeous, pilose, or villous; staminate flowers 6-15; [s. FL only] | |
20 Seeds with sharp transverse ridges, white with concealed brown color beneath the seed surface; plant pubescence crisped-villous; staminate flowers 3-6; [widespread, including s. FL] | |
23 Plants with coarse pubescence, the stem trichomes consisting of larger yellow and smaller white types; stipules usually distinct, rarely connate at base (if divided the segments deltate to linear-subulate); gland appendages sometimes absent or diminuitive; staminate flowers 2-8; seeds 0.7-0.9 mm long, usually rugulose or with 3-6 low transverse ridges; [widespread] | |
23 Plants with fine pubescence, the stem trichomes only of one white type; stipules distinct when young, connate into a deltate scale when older, erose or laciniate with dark glands at the base or along the margins; gland appendages present; staminate flowers 15-25; seeds 1.2-1.3 mm long, with 3-5 shallow depressions separated by low, inconspicuous ridges; [c. and s. FL only] | |
26 Plants perennial with thickened rootstocks, the stems 5-18 cm long, sericeous on upper surface and glabrous on lower surface; leaves not revolute; capsules puberulent, sericeous, or strigillose; seeds whitish to gray; staminate flowers 15; [pine rocklands] | |
24 Gland appendages ± equal in length; plants usually mat-forming; [collectively widespread, including FL]. | |
27 Plants perennial with strongly thickened and lignified roostocks; staminate flowers 8-12; [s. TX only] | |
27 Plants annual with taproots (or sometimes taprooted perennials in E. thymifolia); staminate flowers 2-5; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
28 Middle nodes of stems forming adventitious roots (slowly pull up some of the stems to see if rooted in soil) | |
28 Stems not forming adventitious roots (stems merely lying flat). | |
29 Leaves serrulate (on the longer leaf margin) or subentire; seeds 1.0-1.2 mm long; styles clavate; [widespread] | |
1 Leaves absolutely entire; seeds smooth, variously rugose or wrinkled, or bearing 2-4+ distinct transverse ridges. | |
33 Stems erect to ascending. | |
35 Gland appendages unequal in length; stem pubescence limited to the upper surface (lower stem surface glabrous) | |
40 Gland appendages ± equal in length; glands green to yellow-green. | |
30 Stems and leaves glabrous (on both sides). | |
43 Stipules connate, forming a conspicuous scale-like structure; stems frequently rooting at the nodes. | |
44 Leaf margins whitish; plants perennial, with a moderately to strongly thickened rootstock; [TX westward] | |
44 Leaf margins green; plants annual, or sometimes perennial with a slightly thickened rootstock (E. blodgettii); [widespread, including TX]. | |
49 Leaf blades oblong to oblong-elliptic, 2.6-7.6 mm wide; involucral glands yellowish-pink, 0.3-0.5 mm long, the gland appendages 1.1-1.5 mm long; seeds 1.8-2.1 mm long | |
49 Leaf blades narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 1-2 mm wide; involucral glands slightly stipitate, ca. 0.1 mm long (rudimentary), the gland appendages 0.1-0.2 mm long; seeds 1.0-1.3 mm long | |
50 Plants subshrubs or small shrubs, conspicuously woody; [coastal habitats, FL] | |
50 Plants herbaceous, sometimes slightly woody at base or with a thickened root stock but plants not obviously subshrubs or shrubs; [s. TX or s. FL] | |
52 Leaves (2.2-) 3.0-6.0 (-8.3)× longer than wide, narrowly lanceolate to linear elliptic, 1-veined; [s. FL mainland only] | |
52 Leaves 0.01–3.0 (-3.5)× longer than wide, ovate to lanceolate, 1–3-veined; [s. FL mainland or FL keys] | |
54 Mature seeds bluntly 3-4 angled in cross-section, 0.9-1.4 (-1.7) mm long (except E. missurica, with seeds 1.5-2.0 mm long, but with leaves conspicuously linear); leaves fleshy or not. | |
56 Seeds gray to reddish brown, 0.9-1.1 mm long; leaf bases asymmetric but lacking expanded round auricle; [FL] | |
56 Seeds ashy white with a brown longitudinal line on adaxial surface, 1.1-1.4 (-1.7) mm long; leaf bases angled or rounded, with one side of the leaf base often expanded into a small rounded auricle; [s. IL to TX, westward] | |