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1 Primary lateral veins of lobed leaves run to sinuses between lobes as well as to points of lobes, in some or most leaves [see also Crataegus viridis]. |
2 Leaves usually pubescent or villous abaxially or on petiole, especially when young; inflorescence hairy ( villous, pubescent or tomentose). |
3 Styles usually 2; fruit < 9 mm broad, usually oval or elliptic in shape; [widespread species] |
3 Styles 3 to 5; fruit > 9 mm broad, subglobose; [rare Arkansas endemic nothospecies] |
4 Short-shoot leaf blades 2-3 cm long, often broad as long |
4 Short-shoot leaf blades 3-4 cm long, longer than broad |
2 Leaves and inflorescence glabrous [commonly cultivated species] |
5 Leaf lobes with few serrations; pyrene 1 per fruit; thorns usually 1-2 cm long; [ exotic] |
5 Leaf lobes with numerous serrations; pyrenes 5 per fruit; thorns usually 3-5 cm long; [native] |
1 Primary lateral veins of lobed leaves run only to lobe points, excepting on vigorous sprouts. |
6 Sepals foliaceous, equal or exceeding petal length in flower and persistent on fruit |
6 Sepals not foliaceous, much shorter than petals. |
7 Leaves abaxially with whitish hair tufts in proximal main vein axils, especially in spring; [ Virides series and hybrids]. |
8 Leaves mostly ovate- lanceolate to elliptic, bases cuneate. |
9 Leaves and inflorescences pubescent |
9 Leaves glabrous, except for hair tufts. |
10 Leaves predominately lanceolate |
10 Leaves predominately elliptic or rhomboid |
8 Leaves often ovate to rhomboid or suborbicular, bases cuneate or rounded. |
11 Leaves glabrous except for hair tufts; most leaves ovate, unlobed, rounded at base |
11 Leaves pubescent, particularly when young; leaves ovate or rhomboid, often lobed, bases cuneate; [interserial hybrids]. |
12 Leaves most pubescent adaxially, teeth and lobes sharp; sepals glandular- serrate |
12 Leaves most pubescent abaxially; teeth and lobes subacute; sepals subentire. |
13 Inflorescence glabrous or glabrate; anthers pink or reddish. |
14 Young leaves densely pubescent; leaves moderately lobed 10-25% to midrib |
14 Young leaves slightly pubescent; leaves shallowly lobed 10% to midrib |
13 Inflorescence pubescent or villous; anthers white or yellowish. |
15 Terminal shoot leaves ovate or rhomboid, lobed 20-50% to midrib |
15 Terminal shoot leaves often suborbicular, lobed 20% or less to midrib. |
16 Terminal shoot leaves slightly lobed; inflorescence villous |
16 Terminal shoot leaves often unlobed; inflorescence pubescent |
7 Leaves lacking hair tufts; hairs, if present, dispersed over veins or surface of leaves. |
18 Anthers pink or reddish. |
19 Anthers <1.5 mm long; fruit flesh dense; [rare Missouri endemic] |
19 Anthers 1.5-3 mm long; fruit usually soft-fleshed when mature; [widespread in southern Midwest] |
18 Anthers white or yellowish. |
20 Leaves barely lobed (5-10 % to midrib), base rounded or broadly cuneate |
20 Leaves moderately lobed (10-25 % to midrib), base truncate or subcordate on terminal shoots. |
21 Fruit usually red; leaves plane; [widespread species] |
21 Fruit usually yellow; leaves cupped; [east Texas endemic] |
17 Leaves variously pubescent or glabrous; petiole typically glandular, particularly in spring; inflorescence pubescent or glabrous. |
22 Leaf blades on terminal shoots commonly 8-12 cm long. |
24 Leaf base usually truncate; anthers pinkish; habit arborescent |
24 Leaf base often broadly cuneate; anthers white or ivory; habit usually shrubby |
25 Leaf blades often wide as long; stamens usually 20; petiolar glands stalked; sepals pectinate |
25 Leaf blades longer than broad; stamens 5-10; petiolar glands sessile, small or sparse; sepals glandular- serrate. |
26 Sepals evenly glandular- serrate; fruit subglobose |
26 Sepals irregularly glandular- serrate; fruit oblong |
22 Leaf blades on terminal shoots usually < 8 cm long. |
27 Petiole distinctly villous or pubescent, particularly early in growing season. |
28 Pyrenes usually 2 or 3, concave or pitted on inner sides; [interserial hybrids]. |
29 Leaves scabrate adaxially when young; stamens 7-10; [northern taxa rare in SE] |
29 Leaves pubescent to villous; stamens 10 or 20; [ Crataegus calpodendron hybrid endemics of MO and AR] |
30 Leaves 6-8 cm long, ovate, lobes obtuse |
30 Leaves 3-5 cm long, often rhomboid, lobes acute |
28 Pyrenes usually 4 or 5, plane on inner sides. |
31 Terminal shoot leaves ovate or tending toward oval or suborbicular, unlobed or very shallowly lobed. |
32 Petiole eglandular or remotely glandular, unwinged for most of its length; [ Molles interserial hybrids] |
33 Leaves mostly ovate, shallowly lobed 10-20% to midrib; fruit 8-10 mm |
33 Leaves mostly oval or suborbicular, unlobed or lobed to 10% to midrib; fruit 10-18 mm |
32 Petiole with several conspicuous stalked glands, winged near half its length. |
34 Terminal shoot leaves suborbicular, mostly unlobed; inflorescence >10-flowered |
34 Terminal shoot leaves very shallowly lobed; inflorescence 3- to 8-flowered |
31 Terminal shoot leaves broadly ovate or deltate, often lobed 20% or more to midrib. |
35 Sepals partly glandular- serrate or subentire; leaves often deltate. |
36 Leaves often broad as long, densely villous adaxially in spring; [AR endemic] |
36 Leaves longer than broad, sparsely villous adaxially in spring; [widespread taxa]. |
37 Stamens 5 or 10; calyx sessile on fruit |
37 Stamens 20; calyx collar usually elevated on fruit |
35 Sepals deeply gland- toothed or pectinate; most leaves ovate. |
38 Stamens 20; leaves densely pubescent |
38 Stamens 10; leaves villous or sparsely hairy. |
39 Leaves 3-6 cm long; anthers whitish; calyx collar elevated on fruit |
39 Leaves mostly 2-3 cm long; anthers reddish; calyx near sessile on fruit |
27 Petiole glabrous, or at most only sparsely hairy in spring |
40 Calyx sessile on mature fruit. |
41 Terminal shoot leaves commonly deltate; petiole length often 50-75% as long as blade |
42 Leaves adaxially minutely strigose when young, abaxially glabrous |
44 Flesh of mature fruit dense or hard; [northern taxa rare in Southeast]. |
45 Terminal shoot leaves incised 25-50% to midrib, distal 2 or 3 lobe tips aligned |
45 Terminal shoot leaves incised 10-30% to midrib, distal lobe tips convex in outline |
44 Flesh of mature fruit soft, succulent; [ taxa widely distributed in Southeast] |
46 Stamens 5-10 per flower |
46 Stamens 15-20 per flower |
42 Leaves adaxially glabrous or remotely pubescent or strigose on veins of both surfaces |
47 Stamens 15-20 per flower |
47 Stamens 5-10 per flower. |
48 Flowers 12-15 mm diameter; thorns often angled <90° from twig |
48 Flowers 15-22 mm diameter; thorns usually ~ 90 ° from twig. |
49 Leaf blades mostly 4-7 cm long; twigs and fruits not pruinose |
49 Leaf blades usually 2-5 cm long; twigs and fruits often pruinose |
41 Terminal shoot leaves mostly ovate or near rhombic; petiole length mostly 30-50 % as long as blade. |
50 Petiole distinctly and persistently glandular. |
52 Stamens usually 20; leaves sharply lobed 10-40 % to midrib |
52 Stamens 10; leaves unlobed or lobed <25 % to midrib. |
53 Leaves and inflorescences sparsely hairy; [east of the Mississippi River] |
53 Leaves and inflorescences glabrous; [west of the Mississippi River] |
50 Petiole eglandular or rarely with 1 or 2 glands in spring. |
55 Anthers pink; leaves shallowly lobed; [southern species] |
55 Anthers yellow; leaves moderately lobed; [ endemic of n. DE] |
54 Stamens 20; [ Virides series]. |
56 Fruit 10-15 mm; anthers <1 mm long; most leaves ovate- lanceolate |
56 Fruit 5-10 mm; anthers 1-2 mm long; most leaves ovate or rhombic |
40 Calyx collar elevated on mature fruit |
57 Petiole remotely glandular in spring; sepals remotely glandular- serrate or subentire; [ Pruinosae series] |
58 Leaves finely crenate- serrate, barely lobed; petiole often nearly as long as blade |
58 Leaves sharply or coarsely toothed and lobed; petiole usually < 2/3 as long as blade |
59 Leaf blades usually 2-4 cm long; terminal shoot leaf blades usually 3-5 cm long. |
60 Leaves slightly hairy, later glabrate; inflorescence slightly villous |
61 Leaves mostly deltate or broadly ovate; [AR endemic] |
61 Leaves ovate to near rhombic; [mostly of northeastern US] |
59 Leaf blades usually 3-5 cm long; terminal shoot leaf blades often 4-7 cm long. |
62 Stamens 10 per flower; calyx slightly elevated on fruit |
62 Stamens 20 per flower; calyx distinctly elevated on fruit. |
63 Leaf blades often 5-7 cm long, lobes obscure; [rare taxon] |
63 Leaf blades mostly 3-5 cm long, shallowly to moderately lobed; [widespread taxa] |
64 Leaf base truncate to subcordate; leaves often as wide as long |
64 Leaf base truncate or abruptly tapered; leaves longer than wide. |
65 Anthers ca. 0.5mm long; leaves elongate distally |
65 Anthers ca. 1-2mm long; leaves ovate, not elongate distally |
57 Petiole distinctly and persistently glandular; sepals distinctly glandular- serrate. |
66 Stamens 5 to 10; [ Intricatae series]. |
67 Anthers white or yellow. |
68 Sepals glandular- serrate distally; terminal shoot leaves deltate |
68 Sepals wholly glandular- serrate; terminal shoot leaves ovate. |
69 Calyx collar distinctly elevated on fruit; [eastern taxa] |
69 Calyx collar slightly elevated or near sessile on fruit; [midwestern taxa] |
67 Anthers pink, rose, or purple. |
70 Sepals often partly glandular- pectinate; terminal shoot leaves broadly ovate or deltate. |
71 Sepals pectinate near base; leaf lobes obtuse; trunk bark often furrowed |
71 Sepals pectinate near tip; leaf lobes sharp; trunk bark usually scaly |
70 Sepals glandular- serrate; terminal shoot leaves ovate or less commonly broadly ovate. |
72 Anthers purplish; sepals finely glandular- serrate |
72 Anthers pink; sepals deeply glandular- serrate. |
73 Fruit globose, 12-14 mm long, yellow; leaves subcoriaceous |
73 Fruit obovoid, 10-12 mm long, red or ruddy; leaves thin |
66 Stamens 15-20; [ Pulcherrimae series]. |
74 Leaves mostly unlobed and apex obtuse; terminal shoot leaves lobed 5-10% to midrib |
74 Leaves shallowly lobed, or if unlobed then apex acute; terminal shoot leaves lobed 10-60% to midrib. |
75 Leaves ovate- lanceolate; margin outline nearly straight from about mid- blade to apex. |
76 Terminal shoot leaves with 4 or 5 pairs of distinct lobes; often a suckering shrub |
76 Terminal shoot leaves with 3 to 4 pairs of shallow lobes; usually arborescent |
75 Leaves ovate, broadly ovate or near rhombic or suborbicular; margin outline convex. |
77 Petioles of smaller leaves winged 1/3 or less of length |
78 Terminal shoot leaf blades often broad as long, lobes rounded |
78 Terminal shoot leaf blades longer than broad, lobes obtuse to acute |
77 Petioles of smaller leaves winged 1/2 of length. |
79 Anthers white or yellow; leaves subcoriaceous, serrations acute |
79 Anthers pink, purplish or reddish; leaves membranaceous, serrations obtuse |
80 Anthers reddish; fruit ovoid or oval, yellow; leaves glabrous |
80 Anthers pink; fruit subglobose, red; leaves with adaxial hairs on midvein in spring |