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Key to Calopogon

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1 Petals wider toward the tip than toward the base; lip usually as wide as or wider than long; flowers strongly fragrant
1 Petals equal or narrower toward the tip than toward the base; lip usually narrower than long; flowers scentless or mildly fragrant.
  2 Leaf appressed to the inflorescence during flowering; flowers < 1 cm apart; flowers not fragrant; flowers on same plant opening simultaneously
  2 Leaf not appressed to the inflorescence during flowering; flowers > 1 cm apart; flowers faintly to distinctly fragrant; flowers on same plant opening nearly simultaneously to sequentially.
    3 Lateral sepals 10-15 mm long, falcate, widely spreading
    3 Lateral sepals 15-28 mm long, weakly falcate to straight.
      4 Flowers of each plant opening nearly simultaneously; dilated distal portion of middle lip lobe usually much narrower than long, triangular to broadly rounded; stigma typically flat against column surface; corms elongate, forked
      4 Flowers of each plant opening sequentially; dilated distal portion of middle lip lobe usually much wider than long, typically anvil-shaped; stigma at angle to column surface; corms globose to elongate, not forked.
        5 Leaf blade strongly inrolled, almost tubular, appearing about 2-3 mm wide when not flattened; dilated distal portion of middle lip lobe whitened; [wet, alkaline sites in s. FL]
        5 Leaf blade slightly curled transversely but not inrolled, appearing about 1 cm wide; dilated distal portion of middle lip lobe pink, not whitened (except of course in all-white flowers); [acidic wetlands, widespread in our region]