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Key to Bromeliaceae

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1 Leaf margins spinose; seeds lacking plumose appendages
  2 Fruit a capsule; ovary superior; [native, s. TX]
  2 Fruit a berry; ovary inferior; [non-native, FL and s. GA].
    3 Leaf margins with fine, sharp teeth; inflorescence a spike
    3 Leaf margins with broad, hooked spines; inflorescence a panicle
1 Leaf margins entire; seeds with either basal or apical plumose appendages
      4 Flowers arranged distichously along the inflorescence axis, or the inflorescence reduced to 1-3 flowers only; [collectively widespread in our area]
      4 Flowers arranged spirally along the inflorescence axis; [of s. peninsular FL only].
        5 Floral bracts small (4-15 mm long), inconspicuous (green or yellowish-green), not obscuring the rachis; flowers laxly arranged
        5 Floral bracts large (15-25 mm long), conspicuous (green, but those towards the tip of the inflorescence usually brightly colored white, salmon, or orange), mostly obscuring the rachis; flowers densely arranged