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Key to Woodsia
1 Petioles with a distinct joint about 1-3 cm above the base, the petiole bases of former leaves forming a fairly even stubble; leaf blade lacking glands (though bearing both long septate hairs and pale linear scales); indusium of numerous filamentous segments; [subgenus Woodsia or genus Woodsia subgenus Woodsia (Lu et al 2020) or genus Woodsia (Shmakov2015)] | |
3 Spores averaging 42-47 µm; proximal pinnules of lower pinnae usually shallowly lobed or merely dentate; blades coarsely cut and evidently 2-pinnate; rhizomes compact to short-creeping, individual branches usually 5-10 mm in diameter; [widespread in our area] | |
3 Spores averaging 35-42 µm; proximal pinnules of lower pinnae usually deeply lobed or pinnatifid; blades finely cut, 2-pinnate-pinnatifid; rhizomes short- to long-creeping, individual branches 3-5 mm in diameter; [Ozarkian/Texan, as far as known] |