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1 Plant a twining vine ( herbaceous or woody at base) to 5 m long; stem with stinging hairs; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
1 Plant not twining; instead a tree, shrub, or herb (or weakly twining in some Tragia, but then less than 1 m long); stem either armed with stinging hairs, or not armed. |
4 Hairs of vegetative parts of the plant (especially the leaf undersurface) present and either 2-branched, stellate, or modified into lepidote scales (use 10× or more magnification); [subfamily Crotonoideae]. |
4 Hairs of vegetative parts of the plant (especially the leaf undersurface) absent or unbranched (simple) (use 10× or more magnification). |
5 Flowers enclosed in a cyathium; plant with copious white latex; [subfamily Euphorbioideae] |
5 Flowers not enclosed in a cyathium; plant either with or without white latex (the sap clear to whitish or absent). |
6 Leaf blades 1-1.5× as long as wide; [ exotic trees]. |
7 Petioles 9-19 cm long; [subfamily Crotonoideae] |
7 Petioles 2-6 cm long; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
6 Leaf blades 1.5-5× as long as wide; native or exotic shrubs or, rarely, small trees. |
8 Leaves usually conspicuously variegated; [ waif, se. FL] |
8 Leaves not variegated; [widespread native and non-natives] |
9 Sepals absent; latex watery; leaf margins obscurely gland- toothed; [subtropical hardwood hammocks of far southern FL]; [subfamily Euphorbioideae] |
9 Sepals present; latex absent or watery; leaf margins entire; [various habitats and collectively widespread]. |
10 Latex colorless to whitish, watery; capsules ovoid or ellipsoidal; [FL peninsula and s. TX]; [subfamily Crotonoideae] |
10 Latex absent; capsules subglobose; [collectively widespread in our region]. |
11 Leaves palmately veined at base; inflorescence bracts not subtended by glands; [s. TX and southwards]; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
11 Leaves pinnately veined; inflorescence bracts with 2 subtending glands; [widespread from NC to FL west to AR and e. TX]; [subfamily Euphorbioideae] |
12 Plants hairy with 2-branched hairs (malpighiaceous trichomes); [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
12 Plants either glabrous or hairy with simple or stellate trichomes. |
13 Leaves palmately lobed, margins entire, crenate, or serrate ( Mallotus often with at least a few obscurely lobed leaves). |
14 Petals absent; inflorescence a panicle; leaf lobe margins crenate to serrate; [subfamily Acalyphoideae]. |
15 Plants pubescent, often with a mix of unlobed to obscurely 3- lobed leaves, the lobes not extending deeply and the blades not star-shaped; [ waif, FL panhandle] |
15 Plants glabrous, the leaves conspicuously 7-12 palmately lobed, appearing almost star-shaped; [widespread non-native] |
14 Petals present; inflorescence a cyme or dichasium; leaf lobe margins entire or serrate; [subfamily Crotonoideae]. |
16 Shrub or tree; inflorescence a fascicle or cyme; capsule ellipsoidal |
13 Leaves unlobed, margins serrate or crenate (obscurely crenate in Hippomane and Adelia). |
17 Leaves 8-20× as long as wide ( lanceolate to linear); petiole with 0 or 2 glands at summit. |
18 Petiole with 2 glands at summit; [ exotic, on ballast in Pensacola, FL] |
18 Petiole lacking 2 glands at summit; [native, widespread in our area] |
17 Leaves 1-3× as long as wide ( elliptic, ovate, or obovate); petiole with 0 or 1 gland at summit. |
19 Lower leaf surface densely stellate- pubescent; leaf strongly toothed; [TX]; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
19 Lower leaf surface glabrous; leaf entire, obscurely crenate, or serrulate. |
20 Leaf blades obovate, 2-3× as long as wide, with a rounded apex; petiole < 0.2 cm long; fruit a capsule, 1.0-1.3 cm in diameter; [TX]; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
20 Leaf blades ovate, 1-2× as long as wide, with an acute apex; petiole 1-6 cm long; fruit a drupe, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter; [FL]; [subfamily Euphorbioideae] |
21 Leaves palmately deeply divided into 3-many lobes. |
Show caption*© Alexis López Hernández, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Alexis López Hernández 22 Plants with a prominent, round woody shallow subterranean caudex to 13.5 cm in diameter; [subfamily Crotonoideae] |
22 Plants lacking a prominent subterranean caudex. |
23 Leaves peltate; plant glabrous; stamens 100-1000; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
23 Leaves cordate to truncate or rounded at base; plant glabrous, stellate, or with conspicuous stinging trichomes; stamens 8-15; [subfamily Crotonoideae]. |
24 Plant with stinging trichomes; stamens connate |
24 Plant lacking stinging trichomes; stamens separate. |
25 Latex white; pubescence absent or of non- stellate hairs |
21 Leaves generally not lobed, entire or serrate (rarely pinnately lobed in Euphorbia). |
26 Plants hairy with stellate hairs and/or scales; [subfamily Crotonoideae] |
26 Plants glabrous or hairy with simple or 2-branched hairs. |
27 Plants hairy with 2-branched hairs (malpighiaceous trichomes); [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
27 Plants glabrous or hairy with simple hairs. |
28 Flowers enclosed in a cyathium; plant (fresh) with copious white latex; [subfamily Euphorbioideae] |
28 Flowers not enclosed in a cyathium; plant (fresh) with or without white latex. |
29 Capsules bearing numerous horned appendages; [uncommon non-native, wc. FL] |
29 Capsules variously shaped, but lacking conspicuous horned appendages; [widespread native and non-natives] |
30 Flowers in terminal spikes; stout perennial with several to many stems arising from a subterranean crown; [subfamily Euphorbioideae] |
30 Flowers strictly axillary or both axillary and terminal, in small clusters, racemes, or spikes; finer perennial or annual, not typically with > 1 stem arising from a subterranean crown; [subfamily Acalyphoideae] |
31 Leaves opposite; carpels 2 |
31 Leaves alternate; carpels 3 (sometimes fewer by abortion). |
32 Pistillate flowers subtended by a conspicuous leafy bract |
32 Pistillate flowers lacking a leafy bract. |
33 Plant lacking stinging trichomes; styles deeply multifid; [wetland habitats] |
33 Plant with stinging trichomes; styles undivided; [upland habitats] |