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Key to Euphorbia, Key B: subgenus Chamaesyce, section Poinsettia
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2 Leaf undersurface hairs stiff and distinctly widened towards their bases; capsules 4.0-4.8 mm wide; seeds angular in cross section, unevenly tuberculate |
2 Leaf undersurface hairs soft and little or not thickened towards their bases; capsules 3.5-4.0 mm wide; seeds rounded in cross section, evenly tuberculate |
3 Cyathial gland with a circular opening; bracteal leaves wholly green or green and paler at base (sometimes purple-spotted); seeds angular, with a small caruncle and pronounced longitudinal dorsal ridge, but lacking a distinct transverse tubercular ridge near the middle |
3 Cyathial gland 2-lipped, the opening elliptical and elongate; bracteal leaves wholly green, purple, white, pink, or red, or green or purplish towards the tip and white, pink, or red at the base; seeds cylindrical, lacking both a caruncle and longitudinal dorsal ridge, but with a distinct transverse tubercular ridge near the middle. |
4 Annual herbs from spreading taproots; leaf blades 4-40 mm wide; bracteal leaves usually green with white, pink, or red at base, or some or all bracts wholly white, pink, red, or green; capsules green at maturity; involucral glands 1; [widespread in our region] |
4 Perennial herbs with thick, woody taproots; bracteal leaves usually purplish green (or with pink at base); capsules purplish at maturity; involucral glands 3-5; [s. FL] |