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Key to Desmodium, Key C: Subkey in Desmodium

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1 Loment segments 3-5.5 mm long, nearly symmetrical along the axis of the loment (the isthmi more or less equal above and below, thus each segment diamond-shaped, rounded-diamond-shaped, or essentially elliptical).
  2 Leaflet undersurfaces with hooked hairs, mainly or only on the veins; loment segments 4-5.5 mm long; perennial; [OH, IN, IL, AR, OK, and TX plains northward]
  2 Leaflet undersurfaces villous, strigose, or also with hooked hairs; loment segments 3-3.5 mm long; annual from a taproot; [NC south to s. FL, west to AR and TX, mainly Coastal Plain]
1 Loment segments 5-11 mm long, asymmetrical along the axis of the loment (the isthmi deeper below than above, thus each segment triangular, rounded-triangular, or semi-circular).
    3 Leaflets with conspicuous pale variegation along the midvein; corollas 7-8 mm long, white ('fading' light pink); [Crosstimbers and Blackland Prairies of TX and OK]
    3 Leaflets uniformly green; corollas 6-13 mm long, bright pink-purple; [collectively widespread]
      4 Corolla 6-7 mm long; loment with 2-4 segments, each 5-7 mm long; lower leaves often 1-foliolate; [of se. SC and southward]
      4 Corolla 8-13 mm long; loment with 4-6 segments, each 6.5-11 mm long; lower leaves usually 3-foliolate; [collectively widespread in our area].
        5 Stem densely spreading pilose (at least the upper stem) and also uncinate-puberulent; loment segments 6.5-10 mm long