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Key to Sisyrinchium
1 Perianth with tepals campanulate basally, flaring distally; annual; plants usually < 2 dm tall; tepals lavender, pink, white, magenta, or yellow, with a maroon blaze near the base (S. micranthum) or the base wholly yellow (S. minus). | |
2 Stems with 3-6 nodes; tepals yellow basally; mature capsules broadly fusiform, elliptical, or barrel-shaped, uniformly light brown; [of MS to TX] | |
3 Inflorescences paired (each inflorescence composed of 1-several flowers, their pedicels emanating from within 2 chartaceous scales; thus, there are 2 pairs of scales within the 2 outer, leaflike, green spathe bracts); outer spathe bract connate 0-1 mm. | |
5 Stems mostly 1.0-2.5 mm wide; corolla pale blue to whitish; [of various habitats and collectively widespread]. | |
3 Inflorescence solitary, not paired (within the 2 green spathe bracts there is only one pair of chartaceous scales); outer spathe bract connate 2-6 mm (except 0-1 mm in S. campestre). | |
11 Spathe bracts distinctly unequal, outer usually > 6 mm longer than inner; [of southern Appalachians and northward]. | |
14 Stems with 2-5 nodes, the branching dichotomous; tepals white, recurved at maturity; [of escarpment region of sw. NC and nw. SC] | |
14 Stems with 1-3 nodes, the branching uneven; tepals blue to violet, oriented in a plane; collectively widespread. | |
15 Plant bases with fibrous remains of leaves (usually abundant). | |
19 Stems and branches scabrous on margins at least distally; stems 1.5-3.0 (-3.5) mm wide; plants dry dark brown or blackish; [of the Coastal Plain]. | |
15 Plant bases without fibrous remains of leaves | |
25 Plants light green when fresh and drying yellowish, light green, green or olive; relatively fewer stems from base, rarely to 32 stems, but averaging 5.5 stems or less; blooming from early April through October | |
26 Stem body mostly broader than the margins, thus whole stem appears somewhat rounded with sides tapering to scarcely discernable wings; plants drying yellowish or light olive-green; stem and wings drying about the same color; ovaries and capsules dark brown or black and contrasting with the much lighter dried foliage; stems averaging 3.3 from base; blooming early April through May; occurring in moist to wet sandy or silty soils in open areas, bogs, and marshes | |
26 Stem body as wide or narrower than the margins (body looks more like a midvein), stems appear flattened with easily discernible wings, plants drying olive or green; stem body often drying slightly lighter than wings, forming a pale “stripe” down the center; ovaries and capsules not strongly contrasting with dried foliage. | |
27 Live plants green, not glaucous, drying olive; wide stems (2.9-7.4 mm, x̅ = 5.0) and leaves (3.9-7.8, x̅ = 5.4); stems appearing flat with prominent wings; blooming from late March through May; flowers blue or often white on clayey substrates; in rich calcareous forests, bottomland hardwood forests, and shady roadsides | |
27 Outer spathe (18.7-42.8 mm, x̅ = 25.4), to 13.5 mm longer than inner (x̅ = 2.5); capsules usually drying tan to brown; hyaline margin of inner spathe broadly acute, obtuse, or truncate apically, and often projecting as lobes; blooming from late March through July; usually over limestone substrates in a wide variety of habitats | |
25 Plants dark green when fresh, drying olive to dark brown; mature plants with numerous stems from base (to 55), averaging 7.3 or more; blooming from late February through April, rarely into May. | |
28 Plant 30-70 cm tall; nodes not geniculate, nodes purplish; mature capsules dark brown to black | |
28 Plant <45 cm tall; nodes usually geniculate and green (occasionally purplish); mature capsules tan to brown. | |
29 Surface of leaves, stems and peduncles distinctly granular (like grains of white sand); leaves and spathes scabrous on surface and margins of fresh plants (this character often lost in drying); outer spathe 18.6-34.1 mm (x̅ = 25.8) ; 0.4-12.4 mm longer than inner spathe (x̅ = 4.7); occurring in northcentral Texas on calcareous soils in remnant prairies, fields, open post oak woodlands, and adjacent roadsides and lawns | |
29 Surface of leaves, stems and peduncles glabrous, margins sometimes scabrous or denticulate (character often lost on dried plants); outer spathe shorter on average and spathes equal or outer spathe averaging much less than 4.7 mm longer than inner; occurring east and south of northcentral Texas. | |
30 Most stems branched, but often with one to a few unbranched stems from base; spathes turgid usually tan or brown and strongly tinged with purple to 6.2 mm wide (x̅ = 4.9); occurring on sandy to loamy soils in prairie remnants, fields, adjacent roadsides, and along grassy bayous in southeastern Texas | |
31 Plants typically sprawling; majority of spathes with the inner spathe longer than the outer (character unique to this species), some spathes equal or with outer slightly longer than inner; endemic to prairies and adjacent disturbed habitats primarily in Coastal Bend of Texas, rarely south and west, on calcareous substrates | |
32 Stems 1.8-5.2 mm wide (x̅ = 3.2); leaves 2-4.9 mm (x̅ = 3.9); in a wide variety of open habitats typically on or in close proximity to calcareous substrates (abundant along roadsides) | |
33 Plants usually sprawling; stems 2.6-5.6 mm wide (x̅ = 3.9); stems 2 to 18 (x̅ = 8); leaves 3.6-8.4 mm wide (x̅ = 5); peduncles 2 to 3 (x̅ = 2.5); endemic from southcentral Texas, rarely eastward to Brazoria County historically; on calcareous substrates in prairies, open woodlands, and adjacent roadsides and typically on or in close proximity to rocky or gravelly outcroppings | |